The Nobel Concert: A Finer Side of Science

Students are settled into their dorms, the leaves show signs of contemplating color changes, and professors have (hopefully) stopped revising their syllabi. It is time to welcome the 52nd Nobel Conference to our quaint campus. This year’s conference arrives earlier than any in recent memory, taking place Tuesday, September 27, and Wednesday, September 28.  With this powerhouse of academic and scientific thought comes the Nobel … Continue reading The Nobel Concert: A Finer Side of Science

The Third Star Trek goes Beyond expectations

With Gene Roddenberry’s acclaimed science fiction series Star Trek celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, what better time to release another film installment for these celebrated characters? Ever since the franchise reboot in 2009 directed by J.J. Abrams, the latest Star Trek movies have been a hit with both critics and audiences, but has divided the Trekkie fanbase with what they view as questionable creativity … Continue reading The Third Star Trek goes Beyond expectations

Gustie of the Week – Luke Israel

It is the beginning of a new semester with brand new opportunities. Greek life, clubs, and organizations on campus have been capturing the interest of Gusties since day one. Being overinvolved happens to the best of students, to the point of being stretched thin. Finding a stable medium of being adventurous, involved, and keeping those grades steady is something Luke Israel, Senior International Management and … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Luke Israel

Grammy Award-Winning Quartet Opens the 2016- 2017 Gustavus Artist Series

   Every year, Gustavus aims to provide culturally engaging and artistic programs for students, staff, and the St. Peter community. These programs range anywhere from musical performances, to art showcases and dance productions.    On Friday, September 16, The Gustavus Artist Series and The Office of Fine Arts will be hosting one of the first musical events of the year. The Turtle Island String Quartet … Continue reading Grammy Award-Winning Quartet Opens the 2016- 2017 Gustavus Artist Series

Acclaimed Pianist Naomi Niskala to Perform at Björling

Included among Gustavus’ impressive upcoming slate of musical performances, pianist Naomi Niskala is a name that should not go unnoticed. Raised by her Japanese/Finnish-American parents, Niskala grew up in Rochester, New York and would eventually move to Tokyo, Japan. She possesses degrees from the Yale School of Music, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and the New England Conservatory of Music. Niskala … Continue reading Acclaimed Pianist Naomi Niskala to Perform at Björling

The Purge: Election Year is Nothing Presidential

As the third installment in the dystopian thriller/horror Purge series, you would expect Election Year to bring something new to the formula that was radical enough to turn heads. While the filmmakers did attempt this, the execution was poor and made little real effort to shake anything up. The first thing that came to mind when I heard about this movie was how genius it … Continue reading The Purge: Election Year is Nothing Presidential

Gustie of the Week – Janet Jennings

A Collegiate Fellow embodies community, service and inspires excellence. A Collegiate Fellow is a friendly resource to the residents of their hall and develops relationships. Gustavus’s Residential Life staff pride themselves on finding individuals that can lead and uphold the college’s core values. Collegiate Fellow Janet Jennings, Pre-Med Senior Psychology major, and Russian minor from Inglewood, California is one of these leaders. “She upholds the core … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Janet Jennings

Summer 2016 Films: The Good, Bad, and Underrated

The summer of 2016 brought us what we’ve come to expect of Hollywood at this point. There’s plenty of sequels, reboots, remakes, superheroes, and animated outings to go around this year. It’s time once again to see which flicks reigned supreme, which blockbusters busted, and what gems remained hidden. Disney already had a remarkable year with the box office and critics leading up to June, … Continue reading Summer 2016 Films: The Good, Bad, and Underrated

Tales from Abroad – Carl Cusack

Selamat Pagi! This past spring semester, ten Gusties, including myself, were met with this Malay morning greeting as part of our Semester in Malaysia: Living Diversity study abroad program. No matter where you go in Malaysia, locals will greet you with the warmth typically reserved only for morning greetings. Hospitality is Malaysia’s specialty, as is food. I had the good fortune to eat a lot … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Carl Cusack

Gustie of the Week – Sean O’Connell

As the school year starts, a number of social fraternities and sororities are preparing for fall recruitment, welcoming those who want to “Go Greek.” Fraternities and sororities allow students to gain skills in management, take part in a number of social activities, and potentially make friends that can last a lifetime, while promoting the values of leadership, scholarship, and service. If one were looking for … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Sean O’Connell