Gustie of the Week – Jordan Lovestrand

Many Gusties study abroad at least once in their Gustavus career. How many can say they traveled to Israel and studied dance for a year? Jordan Lovestrand from Bloomington, Minnesota was able to study at the Rothberg International School and Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. “It was spontaneous.” Jordan said. “I wasn’t even expecting to study abroad. There was this gut feeling that just … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Jordan Lovestrand

Choirs wrap up the year with spring concert

After months of preparation, the Department of Music is ready to end this year’s choir programs on a high note. The Gustavus Choir Spring Concert conducted by Gregory Aune and Brandon Dean will be performed on May 6 at 3:30 p.m. at Christ Chapel and can also be viewed online via livestream. This performance will unite a number of choir groups on campus: The Gustavus … Continue reading Choirs wrap up the year with spring concert

Professor Emeritus returns to star in ‘King Lear’

King Lear is the story of an elderly king faced with his own mortality and the task of dividing his kingdom amongst his three daughters. The titular King Lear’s fantasy of a smooth transition of power soon crumbles before him as he banishes his youngest daughter before his two elder daughters betray his confidence. They remove Lear from any of the power he attempts to … Continue reading Professor Emeritus returns to star in ‘King Lear’

Gustie of the Week – Katherine Aney

Before she became a double major in mathematics and biochemistry, junior Katherine Aney of Rochester, Minnesota had no idea how big of a role science would play in her life. But all of that changed when she talked to a professor from Gustavus. “I can pinpoint the exact moment when I fell in love with the biology and the human genome.” Katherine said. “I was … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Katherine Aney

Percussion Ensemble brings fresh beats

Among the incredible amount of performances before the impending end of the semester, director Adam Rappel and the Gustavus Percussion Ensemble stand apart. In terms of what makes this performance unique, Rappel wanted to reassure that the concert will have something that everyone can enjoy. “If you don’t like one of the pieces, the rest of the pieces are so different that you will enjoy … Continue reading Percussion Ensemble brings fresh beats

The Star Wars formula goes Rogue

When Disney acquired the rights to the Star Wars franchise, the decision was made not only to continue the beloved story with a new trilogy, but to expand upon previously established elements in new spin-off films. Given the narrative potential of the Star Wars universe (especially now that the previous expanded universe tie-ins, such as comics and video games, are now no longer considered canon) … Continue reading The Star Wars formula goes Rogue

Gustie of the Week – Jordan Wiest

If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting Jordan Wiest, you know his big bright smile, deep laugh, and giant bear hugs. Originally from the small town of Rush River, Minnesota,  just 15 miles from Saint Peter, Jordan Wiest is a senior history major. He was not originally planning on majoring in history, but after taking  Premodern East Asia with Associate Professor in History, … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Jordan Wiest

Tales from Abroad – Jenna Hooper

I studied abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia in the Fall of 2015. One highlight? Babies in jars. If you cross the Dvortsoviy Bridge on Nevsky Prospekt and hang a left you’ll come across the Kuntskamera, Russia’s first anthropological museum. You begin on the first floor and pretend like you’re interested in all the old clothes from cultures across the world, but as you ascend the … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Jenna Hooper