Gustie of the Week – Liz Toeben

One look at Senior Liz Toeben’s busy schedule may scare off the faint of heart, but for Toeben it is nothing short of normal; Liz thrives in her involvement with campus clubs and organizations. Toeben went to school in both Milaca and Sartell, MN, but graduated from Sartell High School. She took a chance at Gustavus and accepted admission without even touring the campus. “It … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Liz Toeben

Hillstrom Museum Opens Fall Exhibit

While many people across the world have to pay occasionally expensive fees to get into art museums, Gustavus students have an advantage over the rest: free entrance to an exquisite museum, right here on campus. The Hillstrom Museum of Art, located in the lower level of the campus center, boasts various exhibitions throughout the year, and the fall exhibit opens this weekend. After opening its … Continue reading Hillstrom Museum Opens Fall Exhibit

Frankenstein, Pennywise, and minions, oh my!

For those who might be wondering what movie opportunities Gustavus has to offer this fall, look no further! Plenty of new films from a variety of different genres will be hitting the big screen here on campus, all free of charge for Gustie students. One of the most exciting showings this season will be the critically-acclaimed box office success Wonder Woman. Starring Israeli actress Gal … Continue reading Frankenstein, Pennywise, and minions, oh my!

Gustie of the Week – Charlie Barnhouse

Junior Charlie Barnhouse excels at representing what it means to be a Gustie. He is involved in many activities and organizations on campus and maintains a busy schedule. Barnhouse is from Princeton, MN and graduated from Cambridge High School. He is a double major in Biology and Music with honors in music composition. When Charlie is not in class he keeps himself busy in the … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Charlie Barnhouse

Gustie of the Week – TJ Zemlin

Senior TJ Zemlin originally chose Gustavus, after graduating from Eden Prairie High School, to study biology and chemistry. However, once on campus he decided to go a completely different route. Zemlin declared his major in music education. The catalyst for his reaction? “I decided bio-chem wasn’t as much fun, so instead I’d go for music. Plus I had been thinking about being an educator for … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – TJ Zemlin

The Galactic Guardians blast off again

The Guardians of the Galaxy from 2014 was a breath of fresh air for the superhero genre and showcased what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is capable of. Nobody would’ve thought that a movie starring a talking raccoon and a tree that only says three words would become one of the biggest hits of the year, but director and screenwriter James Gunn proved them wrong. Thanks … Continue reading The Galactic Guardians blast off again

Gustie of the Week – Brian Konkol

Four years ago Edward Snowden released thousands of documents about the National Security Agency’s monitoring of innocent American citizens in addition to countless world leaders. Four years ago President Jack Ohle announced his retirement from Gustavus and the search for current President Becky Bergman had begun. Four years ago Chaplain Brian Konkol started his career at Gustavus. And now, four years later, Brian has announced … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Brian Konkol

Tales from Abroad – Laura Isdahl

Last spring, instead of the flat prairie farmland of St. Peter, I was surrounded by mountains and a chilly ocean with swarms of penguins zooming by. I studied abroad in South Africa as part of a program called, “Multiculturalism and Human Rights.” There were twenty-two students in all, and we journeyed all across South Africa. We were based in Cape Town, but took excursions to … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Laura Isdahl

Gustavus Handbell Choirs ring out the year

The Gustavus Handbell Choirs are preparing for their final concert of the spring. Auditions for handbells take place each fall, and individuals are placed in a group based on their schedule, interest, and prior experience with handbells. “There are four groups. This is the largest enrollment that I’ve had in handbells yet. There are 44 members,” Director of the Handbell choirs, Dr. Chad Winterfeldt said. … Continue reading Gustavus Handbell Choirs ring out the year