Tales from Abroad – Lauren Casey

Thirteen cities, 13 days, 37 soccer players, one gymnast, and an infinite amount of memories. This’s what my time studying abroad in France for J-term looked like big picture. The program was called “French Sport and Culture,” focusing primarily on the importance of soccer to France. So many sights were packed into 13 days that it would take hours to explain how amazing this experience … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Lauren Casey

Gustie of the Week – Tanner Sonnek

Junior Tanner Sonnek made a splash at swim nationals this week as he represented Gustavus in the 100 and 200 yard breaststroke. Ranked third and fourth in the nation for his two events prior to nationals, Tanner took on the top ranked competitors in the D3 level, racing against some of the best in the country. Placing in the top eight, Tanner won All-American for … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Tanner Sonnek

Tales from Abroad – Courtney Erickson

Our journey started with a 14 hour flight from Chicago to Beijing. We landed at night and since Beijing is home to almost 22 million people, it was still lively as ever. Peking duck is the most famous food throughout all of Beijing, so it was only fitting that it was the first meal that we had once we arrived. The next day we all … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Courtney Erickson

Vespers with the Gustavus Choir

Here at Gustavus, we have many different services to help students grow in their faith and experience different faiths or types of worship they may not have seen before. We have modern worship services, bible studies, daily chapel, and Sunday services. Another function we have here, less frequently, is Vespers and we are lucky to have several different services put on throughout the year. Also … Continue reading Vespers with the Gustavus Choir

Orchestra Concert features Competition Winner

This spring concert will showcase many talents and skills of Gustavus musicians and faculty and staff members. It is a chance for the musicians to present what they have been working on throughout this academic school year. The concert will also feature a high school student who has won a competition intended to help introduce young musicians to the collegiate music scene. Conducting the Gustavus … Continue reading Orchestra Concert features Competition Winner

Gustie of the Week – Liza Johnson

While it might take some students years beyond graduation to understand what it means to be a Gustie, First-year Liza Johnson has already mastered the craft in her first year. Hailing from Roseville, Minnesota, this ball of sunshine knows no bounds in the sheer reach of her influence on this campus. In true Gustie form, Liza has transformed her passions into a vehicle for meaningful … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Liza Johnson

Tales from Abroad – Ella Napton

A series of unfortunate events led me to the J-Term trip that went on to change my life forever. Last spring I signed up and committed to go on the J-Term trip to St. Maarten with the Education Department. Being an education major made me extremely excited for the prospects of spending a J-Term on an island teaching. All was well for the summer and … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Ella Napton

Gustie of the Week – Andrew Stumbo

First-year Andrew Stumbo has already made an impact on the Gustavus community in his first few months on campus. Andrew is a student-athlete, involved with the theater, and is an admirable student on top of his extracurricular activities. He is an inspiration to his fellow classmates, faculty and anyone he comes in contact with. He participates in both athletics and the arts while simultaneously focusing … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Andrew Stumbo

Tales from Abroad – Liz Geerdes

This past J-term, I joined 39 Gustavus students and three professors from the Physics department on the trip of a lifetime to New Zealand and Australia for five weeks. I learned so much about myself, traveling, and the way of life for people in these countries. We started our trip in Christchurch, New Zealand and studied astronomy there for one week. The next week was … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Liz Geerdes

3OH!3 to play at The Big Concert

Campus Activities Board just announced the Spring Concert artist: 3OH!3, to mixed reviews. This reaction is not necessarily unexpected as CAB can’t make everyone happy with their selection. “I think it’s really fun that we get to have a group that is a bit of a throwback. My middle school self is so excited to be able to see them,” Senior, Ashley Elford said. This … Continue reading 3OH!3 to play at The Big Concert