Learn love languages like a legend

Jenna Anderson- A love languages event is being held on Wednesday, Oct. 9th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Center for Inclusive Excellence. This event is an opportunity for students to learn more about the five love languages; words of affirmation, physical touch, gift-giving, quality time, and acts of service. The Gustavus Website says, “Whether they’re platonic or romantic, it’s important to foster … Continue reading Learn love languages like a legend

Gustie of the Week: Dr. Jeff Owen

Jenna Anderson- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Dr. Jeff Owen, Ph.D, Associate Professor in Business Economics and Environmental Studies. In 1992, Owen graduated from Gustavus with a double major in economics and history. After a two-year break, “I guess you would call it a gap year now,” Owen said, he ended up at the University of Iowa, where he graduated with his doctorate … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Dr. Jeff Owen

Break Me Off a Piece of that Chapel Break

Colleen Coleman- This year, Chapel Break is a 20-minute break in between classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m., in which students can use this time to benefit their well-being and recharge. Students may choose to attend a religious offering offered by the Chaplains Office or use the time to benefit themselves. With the academic curriculum changes in effect this semester, … Continue reading Break Me Off a Piece of that Chapel Break

Gustie of the Week: Linnea Beckstrom

Amelia Dewberry- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Junior Linnea Beckstrom. Beckstrom is a Political Science; Peace, Justice, & Conflict Studies; and Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies triple major. She came into college knowing she wanted to major in Political Science, but the interdisciplinary nature of the program led her to become interested in other topics and ultimately land on a triple major. After … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Linnea Beckstrom

Perspective from Day Two of Year Two

Colleen Coleman- Something is refreshing about my Sophomore year so far. I was walking to the Campus Center with classmates I had just met while leaving our Interpersonal Communications class, which had a large number of First-year students, trying to help some find their classes in Old Main and Olin. I mentioned that there was something exhilarating about the second day of classes;  when you … Continue reading Perspective from Day Two of Year Two

Join the Weekly

Jay Erickson- New year, new Weekly. If you are a First-year or simply looking for a new, fun activity, you should join The Gustavian Weekly. The Weekly encourages anyone who loves to write to join the staff. We are looking for news and sports writers as well as photographers. We foster a welcoming environment where anyone (and everyone!) can thrive. Also, joining The Weekly staff … Continue reading Join the Weekly

Gusties of the Week: Our Readers

Taylor Storlien- The Gustie(s) of the Week are our readers! As a college campus newspaper, our readers are a huge part of who we are, ranging from professors, students, family members, and alumni. Our readers vary from those who dive into The Weekly on-campus happenings, to those who transfer their New York Times Games skills to our crosswords and word searches. History Professor Greg Kaster … Continue reading Gusties of the Week: Our Readers

Senior Art Exhibition now open in the Hillstrom Museum of Art

Colleen Coleman- The Gustavus Senior Studio Art majors recently presented their final exhibition: “Sincerely Yours, The Comeback Kids,” a capstone of their artistic careers at Gustavus. The exhibition is now on display in the Hillstrom Museum of Art on the lower level of the Campus Center and will be shown until May 25th. The exhibit displays a variety of artistic styles and themes to bring … Continue reading Senior Art Exhibition now open in the Hillstrom Museum of Art

Gustie of the Week: Tom LoFaro

Amelia Dewberry & Willa Brown- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Clifford M. Swanson Professor of Mathematics, Thomas LoFaro. He is also the department chair for Math, Computer Science, and Statistics. LoFaro earned his B.A. and M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Missouri and his Ph.D. from Boston University. However, he did not always plan to major in math: “I started out pre-med … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Tom LoFaro

The Entrepreneur Cup returns to Gustavus

Elliot Steeves- The annual Gustie Entrepreneur Cup will take place in the Beck Atrium on Saturday, May 11th, at 11:00 a.m. The event is the culmination of a multi-step process for several student projects involving their new business ideas. The Cup is a competition and learning opportunity for students in which they develop original entrepreneurial ideas, as well as submit business plans and pitch their … Continue reading The Entrepreneur Cup returns to Gustavus