Hillstrom Museum Celebrates Swedish- American Artists

Emily VanGorder – Editor in Chief The Hillstrom Museum of Art is presenting “Art for All: The Swedish Experience in Mid-America”, a new exhibit presenting the works of Swedish-American artists. The exhibition will be available from September 13 to November 17. The exhibit was co-organized with the Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery in Lindsborg, Kansas which is associated with Bethany College. The exhibit features around 60 paintings, … Continue reading Hillstrom Museum Celebrates Swedish- American Artists

Art and Music Classes Return to In-Person Learning

Emily VanGorder – Editor in Chief Most art classes at Gustavus are once again being held in-person. Currently there is no social distancing requirement in effect on campus, though all students, faculty and staff are required to wear masks indoors until September 20. Contact tracing is still being used to identify and follow any COVID-19 cases on campus. Last year students had to sign up to … Continue reading Art and Music Classes Return to In-Person Learning

ENG-350 presents Gustavus’ “Firethorne” Literary Journal at launch party

Tori Smith – Staff Writer While other classes start gearing up for a demanding finals week, one class is throwing a party instead. The ENG-350 course, also known as the Editing and Publishing class, has put together this year’s issue of Firethorne, Gustavus’s annual literary magazine composed of student prose, poetry, and artwork. In celebration, the class is putting on an outdoor launch party from 5-6 … Continue reading ENG-350 presents Gustavus’ “Firethorne” Literary Journal at launch party

Theatre Department showcases “The Three Sisters”

Mula Lay – Staff Writer The Three Sisters is a production by the theatre department at Gustavus. The play is written by Anton Checkoff, who was a pioneer in realism theater, and is a snapshot of what life was like in the 1800s in Russia. The play spans across five years from the perspectives of three sisters. The three sisters, who have been moved from their … Continue reading Theatre Department showcases “The Three Sisters”

12 campus organizations collaborate to put on “Discover the Outdoors” event

Emma Lohman – Staff Writer On Sunday, May 2 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Gustavus students can visit the Arboretum to participate in games and educational activities and learn about topics related to climate justice, conservation and sustainability. A dozen student organizations will be represented including the Environmental Action Coalition (EAC), Campus Activities Board (CAB), Fly Fishing Club, Students for Reproductive Freedom, Ducks Unlimited, … Continue reading 12 campus organizations collaborate to put on “Discover the Outdoors” event

Celebration of Creative Inquiry to be held virtually this Friday

Emily VanGorder – Staff Writer This year, Gustavus’ annual Celebration of Creative Inquiry will be held virtually from 4 to 6 p.m on April 30. Using a Google Meets link provided on April 30, anyone interested in learning more will be able to drop into various groups to learn more about their research and ask questions. Students from all academic disciplines led research into a … Continue reading Celebration of Creative Inquiry to be held virtually this Friday

Diversity Leadership Council Hosts COVID-safe Diversity-Ball

Mula Lay – Staff Writer The Diversity Ball (or D-Ball) is an annual event held by the Diversity Leadership Council (DLC). The event usually features a dinner, a dance, a live show and an award ceremony. It is a night to celebrate the works of students and staff on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). This year’s D-Ball was held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. … Continue reading Diversity Leadership Council Hosts COVID-safe Diversity-Ball

GUSTIE of the Week: Kareem Watts

Michaela Woodward – Staff Writer Assistant Director of the Center of Inclusive Excellence, Kareem Watts, has kept busy in his new position while getting adjusted to the Minnesota weather. Originally from Los Angeles, Watts has been working in higher education at public and private universities and colleges for over 12 years as an educator and administrator. “I really just have a passion for students but … Continue reading GUSTIE of the Week: Kareem Watts

New Exhibition at the Arts Center of St. Peter

Tori Smith – Staff Writer Founded in 1979 as the Arts and Heritage Council, the Arts Center of Saint Peter has been a long-standing establishment in the community for many years. After the 1998 St. Peter tornado that took out the historic school building where the Arts and Heritage Council was originally located, the Arts Center re-organized and in 2000 opened their new facility at … Continue reading New Exhibition at the Arts Center of St. Peter