Summer Research in Ecuador

Taite Stevens Aldrich – Staff Writer Seniors Cora Hentges and Maddie Banks traveled to Ecuador over the summer alongside Associate Professor in Geology and Program Director in Environmental Studies Jeff La Frenierre and University of Minnesota faculty and students to study the effects of climate change on glaciers. The group arrived in Quito at the end of May and planned on staying for a month … Continue reading Summer Research in Ecuador

Gustie of the Week: Abbie Doran

Michaela Woodward – Staff Writer It took Senior Abbie Doran awhile to figure out her college path, but the patience and self-reflection paid off in the end.  “I love the quote ‘we rise by lifting others’ and I think that was something I saw Gustavus doing. Students uplifting other students, that was really important to me,” said Doran. Originally from Washington state, Doran now calls … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Abbie Doran

First year tips, tricks, and more!

  The Weekly – Editorial Staff To the incoming first-years: Welcome to Gustavus! Coming to college, especially in a new area, can be pretty stressful. That is why The Weekly staff would like to provide you with some tips, tricks, and cool spots that will help you as you navigate through your first year here at Gustavus. Beginning with tips- managing a college course load … Continue reading First year tips, tricks, and more!

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Jasper Gantriis

Emma Esteb – Staff Writer Jasper Gantriis (‘23), Gustie of the Week, is a personable and well-spoken individual who is from Mahtomedi, Minnesota. Gantriis is a Business Management major with a minor in Statistics. On campus, he is a member of Kappa Sigma Chi fraternity, where he has created lifelong friendships. The purpose and mission of the fraternity itself is to “come together to develop camaraderie … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Jasper Gantriis

A time to remember

Emma Esteb – Staff Writer The Diversity Leadership Council dedicated their week (April 18–26) toward their mission of creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable campus community. Every day of the week an event was held by an organization that is part of the Diversity Leadership Council and ended with the Diversity Ball. The main goal of this past week was “to get visibility of the student … Continue reading A time to remember

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Geena Zebrasky

Leah Thompson – Staff Writer This week’s Gustie of the Week is none other than Junior Geena Zebrasky who is double majoring in both biology and geography. Zebrasky is from Columbus, MN, a small town near Forest Lake, and has been a lifelong lover of plants and insects. When asked, “Why Gustavus?” they revealed that they had come here by accident and had actually applied after … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Geena Zebrasky

Gusties go hard for the Lyrical Cafe

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer The Lyrical Cafe is a unique program here at Gustavus and offers Gusties with an array of opportunities. Created in Spring 2021 by Kareem Watts, Assistant Director of the Center for Inclusive Excellence, Lyrical Cafe is a platform all students on campus, especially students of color and other marginalized groups, are encouraged to participate in. It is a way for students … Continue reading Gusties go hard for the Lyrical Cafe