International Festival brings culture to Gustavus

Every year around mid-November, the walls of Alumni Hall are adorned with colorful flags, the room is filled with cultural displays and a variety of unique dances are performed by students. The occasion: Gustavus? International Festival. The International Cultures Club (ICC) hosts the event each year and does all of the planning and coordinating that goes into the festival. This year on Friday, Nov. 14, … Continue reading International Festival brings culture to Gustavus

Art Center of St. Peter features Sara Leadholm

As fall turns to winter, we all note the seasonal transitions differently. Sports fans pack away the pigskins and bring out the basketballs, children brace for the flu-season boosters and flip-flops begin their nine-month hibernation until Memorial Day. But in the Arts Center of St. Peter, one artist is giving autumn a last hurrah. In her exhibit Landscape Impressions, painter Sara Leadholm elegantly captures rural … Continue reading Art Center of St. Peter features Sara Leadholm

Three outstanding faculty members receive awards

Last week, three Gustavus staff and faculty members were recognized for their extraordinary service to the Gustavus community. Staff member Judy Waldhauser, Director of Multicultural Programs Virgil Jones and Associate Professor of English Florence Amamoto were awarded the Augusta Carlson Schultz award, the Eric Norelius award and the Faculty Service award, respectively. These awards are given annually to Gustavus employees who have shown great dedication … Continue reading Three outstanding faculty members receive awards

Senior Luke Garrison makes the most of his time at Gustavus

Even if you don’t know Luke Garrison personally, you’ve probably seen him around campus. Luke was recently elected co-president of Student Senate, but during his three years here at Gustavus, he has been involved in many other student activities and organizations. Odds are that any student who is relatively active in the Gustavus community has come into contact with Luke at one time or another. … Continue reading Senior Luke Garrison makes the most of his time at Gustavus

Gustavus students take back their time with help from the CVR

Last Friday, the Center for Vocational Reflection (CVR) enlisted 33 Gustavus students to hang nine-inch wall clocks around their necks that said, “Is it weighing on you? Take back your time.” The students wore the wall clocks in observance of national Take Back Your Time Day, which, according to the official website, is a “major U.S./Canadian initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and … Continue reading Gustavus students take back their time with help from the CVR

Gustie Grad Mary Duvall Helps change the world through Lutheran World Relief

Some people believe that the world we live in is not perfect. While this idea may lend itself to caffeine-fueled political debates in coffee shops and on college campuses all over the country, few people actually take their concern a step further and devote their lives to work as a force for good in the world. Mary Duvall is a Gustavus grad who has taken … Continue reading Gustie Grad Mary Duvall Helps change the world through Lutheran World Relief

Chuck Niederriter: physicist, family man and jack-of-all trades

Gustavus is well known for its Department of Physics and the professors who create the strong base for the program. Professor of Physics Chuck Niederriter, or “Chuck” to students and fellow professors, is among the group that has worked to get the physics program to the level it is today. In addition to teaching responsibilities and performing research, Niederriter has recently been named the new … Continue reading Chuck Niederriter: physicist, family man and jack-of-all trades

Gustavus Greeks work to fight global hunger

What if, when you set foot in the Market Place this afternoon or opened your fridge, there wasn’t any food to be found? What would that feel like? What does hunger feel like? According to Kids Against Hunger, a nonprofit organization with a mission to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the U.S. and to feed starving children throughout the world, 17,000 children … Continue reading Gustavus Greeks work to fight global hunger

Ray Thrower serves through thick & thin

For Gustavus Director of Safety and Security Ray Thrower, the college environment has been a part of life ever since he was a boy growing up in North Carolina, visiting his grandfather, the chief of police at Davison University. Now in his 30th year of working with law enforcement, Thrower has spent all but two of those years at liberal arts colleges. Thrower was the … Continue reading Ray Thrower serves through thick & thin

Gustie of the Week: Wes Jones makes the military a way of life

In August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina, one of the deadliest natural disasters to ever hit America, struck the Gulf coast states. Sophomore Communications Studies Major Wes Jones and his family were among the people present in New Orleans during the disaster. Jones, like thousands of others, was instantly forced to evacuate and take cover. “I lived in the dead center of [New Orleans] in Algiers … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Wes Jones makes the military a way of life