Must see flicks from 2008

It has been a very interesting year for movies. The frustrating-yet-justified writer’s strike that ended in February 2008 put a stall on the film industry as a whole, making it a relatively slow first half of the year. Besides a few enjoyable summer blockbusters (Wall-E, Hellboy II, The Dark Knight), and some hilariously over-the-top comedies (Pineapple Express, Tropic Thunder), there wasn’t much to speak of. … Continue reading Must see flicks from 2008

Phil Helt takes leadership to a new level

Ah, January. Most Gustavus students enjoy a whole month of light workloads, increased free time and, for those involved in student organizations, decreased responsibility. For many, it is the perfect time to break out a new video game, hang out with fellow Gusties and get started on an autobiography. But while this low-key atmosphere may cause laziness in some students, others, like Sophomore Communication Studies … Continue reading Phil Helt takes leadership to a new level

Sophomore Jill Scheel strikes a balance

Sitting still, Jill Marie Scheel might look like any other Gustie sophomore. She sports straightened hair, a book in her hands, loves to snack on puppy chow and always wears a friendly smile. But inside this young lady, two polar opposite forces battle for control. Jill, a native of Hector, Minnesota, perfectly demonstrates the left-brain—right-brain duality of a liberal arts education. On the right side, … Continue reading Sophomore Jill Scheel strikes a balance

Senior Rhea Muchalla spreads social justice

Diversity, equality, social justice: most people know what these words mean. The college environment is a great place to be active in these important issues. For Rhea Muchalla, a senior gender, women and sexuality studies and philosophy major, Gustavus has provided an opportunity to get involved in issues of gender, diversity and social justice through a variety of on-campus programs. During her time here at … Continue reading Senior Rhea Muchalla spreads social justice

Sophomore Kristen Mead moves into the spotlight

For a student rarely featured in the spotlight, Kristen “Kiki” Mead certainly knows how to use one. The sophomore theatre and sociology and anthropology double major has, at the tender age of nineteen, served as a light operator for four Anderson main stage productions, master electrician for Topsy Turvy Mouse and most recently as the manual light board operator for The Lesson. As a lighting … Continue reading Sophomore Kristen Mead moves into the spotlight

Michael Johnson presents his 40th anniversary concert

Born in the Midwest and educated in the classical guitar style, his songs range from statements of protest of the late sixties to crossover country hits of the seventies. He is intimate with his audience at every performance. I could be describing Bob Dylan here, but I’m actually referring to an artist who has much closer ties with the Gustavus community. Michael Johnson is on … Continue reading Michael Johnson presents his 40th anniversary concert

Thetas host “Miracles of Mitch” benefit

The Theta Xi Gamma sorority will host the “Miracles of Mitch” fundraiser this Saturday, Nov. 21, at 5:30 p.m. in the banquet rooms of the Jackson Campus Center. “All proceeds raised from the silent auction and dinner go directly to ‘Miracles of Mitch.’ It is a non-profit charity based in Chanhassen, MN, that provides financial support for families that have children with cancer,” said Junior … Continue reading Thetas host “Miracles of Mitch” benefit

Gustavus class takes action against genocide in Darfur

Surely most Gustavus students have heard the word genocide, but not all students know that genocide is occurring at this moment in the Darfur region of Sudan. Despite the attention given to Darfur by such events as the Building Bridges conference last year, the Camp Darfur tent this fall and the Wallenberg lecture on Nov. 13, many members of the Gustavus community remain unaware of … Continue reading Gustavus class takes action against genocide in Darfur

Building Bridges collects books to raise money for school in Uganda

Social justice and action is a common theme on college campuses around the U.S. and Gustavus is no exception. Building Bridges is a student-led initiative that focuses on raising awareness about important global issues and showing students how they can help make a difference. Each year Building Bridges holds a diversity conference based on a specific humanitarian issue. This year?s theme is ?Liberation Through Education,? … Continue reading Building Bridges collects books to raise money for school in Uganda

International Festival brings culture to Gustavus

Every year around mid-November, the walls of Alumni Hall are adorned with colorful flags, the room is filled with cultural displays and a variety of unique dances are performed by students. The occasion: Gustavus? International Festival. The International Cultures Club (ICC) hosts the event each year and does all of the planning and coordinating that goes into the festival. This year on Friday, Nov. 14, … Continue reading International Festival brings culture to Gustavus