Alison Agather: Working hard on and off the field as a dedicated teammate, friend and student

Junior Chemistry and Environmental Studies Major Alison Agather is seen in many places around campus, but her go to destinations are the library, the rugby pitch and the Market Place “where food and friendship mix,” Alison said. She keeps her dinner guests guessing with her jokes and songs. “Her laughter is contagious and she brings an incredibly fun and positive attitude to every group she’s … Continue reading Alison Agather: Working hard on and off the field as a dedicated teammate, friend and student

The Becks—long history in Gustavus community

Forty-five years ago, Warren Beck ‘67 was attending classes in some of the same buildings we walk into every day. On October 1st of this year an entirely new academic building was dedicated in his name after he donated sixteen million dollars to its construction. Warren Beck is the President/Commercial R.E. Developer at Gebbert and Beck, Inc. and President at Galleria Hotel LLC. Now, Warren … Continue reading The Becks—long history in Gustavus community

Captain America comes to rescue you from homework

In  Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) dreams of joining the army during World War II. The army refuses to recruit him because of his size and his lack of physical ability. Rogers, nevertheless, is unyielding in his effort to get recruited. Things change when Rogers becomes acquainted with Dr. Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci), the lead scientist associated with “Project Rebirth.” Abraham … Continue reading Captain America comes to rescue you from homework

Coming Out Week brings Queers and Allies together

Coming Out Week, sponsored by Queers and Allies (Q&A), begins this Sunday, Oct. 9 and will last until Friday, Oct. 14. “Coming Out Week is basically a celebration of coming out, not just if you are gay, but as an ally, because that’s also incredibly important on campus—to know that people support you,” Senior Geography and Nursing Major and Co-President of Q&A Cristian Raether said. … Continue reading Coming Out Week brings Queers and Allies together

Start listening to The Whole Love

With a career given over to protean change and stretching as far back as Wilco’s, it’s hard to say just what sonic territories have been left uncharted. The group has pumped out morbid piano-laced pop tunes such as “Summerteeth”, strummed Americana-infused country in the spirit of Graham Parsons “Being There”, poked fun at Americana under a veneer of guitar feedback “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot”, probed the … Continue reading Start listening to The Whole Love

Professor Tim Robinson: Changing Gustie lives since 1969

Tim is a favorite professor of many students and faculty because he is very dedicated to his work. “He is the ultimate teacher, administrator, scholar and intellectual,” Director of Communication Services and Special Events Dean Wahlund ’72 said. Tim has proven all of these words true. “Tim has been a real mentor for me. He is someone who truly understands students and their needs,” Senior … Continue reading Professor Tim Robinson: Changing Gustie lives since 1969

Horrible Bosses fuses comedy and work frustrations

Comedy is grounded in absurdity and irony, but there isn’t only one formula with which to apply them. We need a break from the stoner comedic formula. Horrible Bosses, directed by Seth Gordon, fails to give viewers that break. Although its protagonists don’t smoke weed, it has several qualities which are common among “stoner” flicks. These commonalities between stoner flicks include the lack of character … Continue reading Horrible Bosses fuses comedy and work frustrations

Beck Academic Hall gives Gustavus artists its walls

While walking down the halls of the new Beck Academic Building, one might notice how the building is home to a rather eclectic collection of art and a yearbook timeline. Although inspired by the Sesquicentennial, the yearbook timeline on the first level of Beck adds another touch of interest to the building. A collage of photos from the past and present adorn the wall, and … Continue reading Beck Academic Hall gives Gustavus artists its walls

On Ego: The Mind and the Illusion of the Self

In conjunction with the 47th Nobel Conference: The Brain and Being Human, the Department of Theatre & Dance presents Mick Gordon & Paul Broks’ On Ego. The performance is a poetic snapshot of the science of the mind and a startling exposé of the illusion of self. The playwrights take us on a journey into the notion of identity, memory, neurological delusion and the fragile … Continue reading On Ego: The Mind and the Illusion of the Self

Guittar moves with art

Over the summer, Senior Dance Major Renee Guittar worked with Dance Professor Melissa Rolnick on a dance solo coinciding with the artwork on display by Art Professor Kris Lowe. Guittar’s piece will be performed at 6:30 p.m. on October 4, 2011 in Hillstrom Museum and Lowe’s work will be on display until November 6, 2011 in Hillstrom Museum. Kris Lowe’s art, “Comfort Me, Said He,” … Continue reading Guittar moves with art