Take a hike: Time to check out Traverse Des Sioux Park and Seven Mile Creek

Even as the seasons change swiftly from autumn to winter, the brisk air outside offers a sweet, and responsible, escape from the isolation of stricter quarantine. Whether taking a jaunt to clear your head, enjoying a lovely stroll with friends or showing your family about St. Peter before returning home for the holidays, it is never a bad idea to enjoy the outdoors that the … Continue reading Take a hike: Time to check out Traverse Des Sioux Park and Seven Mile Creek

Grateful for the grind: Gusties get creative to stay in shape over Thanksgiving break

For some, the coming holiday season is a little intimidating in terms of fitness goals. Impending finals mean that many students have to work especially hard to find time to work out. Food-intensive holidays like Thanksgiving promise a sudden abundance of calories. COVID has not made matters any simpler, as most intend to spend this holiday season in relatively small groups at home and distanced … Continue reading Grateful for the grind: Gusties get creative to stay in shape over Thanksgiving break

SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Sydney Henrichs (Women’s Hockey)

Senior athletes of any collegiate sports team are always looked up to and admired. Their ability to lead the team and set examples is invaluable. This week, the spotlight shines on the Gustavus Women’s Hockey Team’s only senior athlete: Senior Sydney Henrichs. Henrichs came to Gustavus from Minnesota’s own Eden Prairie High School where she enjoyed relative success. Her team won the Minnesota High School … Continue reading SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Sydney Henrichs (Women’s Hockey)

Taking A Stroll Through 7 Mile Creek

Just down the road from the Gustavus campus is a 628 acre park beloved by many Gusties. Seven Mile Creek is a Nicollet County Park that is home to wild turkey, deer, squirrels and the occasional Gustavus student going for a hike. Over the years, Gustavus athletics teams and clubs have utilized the vast and beautiful park in many different ways. The park offers opportunities … Continue reading Taking A Stroll Through 7 Mile Creek

Calling Timeout: Gustie athletics begin “lay-low” period

A sudden uptick in COVID-19 cases this past week prompted a drastic adjustment in campus-wide prevention measures. The “lay low” announcement detailed in President Bergman’s email on November 6 to the student body had especially far-reaching implications for student-athletes finishing off their fall season before Thanksgiving. For some, the news of tightened restrictions was not unexpected. “I wasn’t surprised by it at all. I thought … Continue reading Calling Timeout: Gustie athletics begin “lay-low” period

Senior Spotlight: Andrew Stumbo (Men’s Track & Field)

Entering the limelight this week‒in a time when his humor could not be more appreciated nor needed‒ is Senior Andrew Stumbo of the Male Cross-Country team. Originating from Ogden High School in Boone, Iowa, Stumbo has been involved in athletics since elementary school, and has done Gustavus proud over his athletic career here- this past January he was named an All-Academic Athlete by the U.S. … Continue reading Senior Spotlight: Andrew Stumbo (Men’s Track & Field)

Running Club Begins 100 Mile Challenge

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has made exercising a more difficult task than ever before. With gyms now having limited capacities and workout groups being disbanded, access to fitness is at rock bottom. Yet, staying fit and healthy is still important, especially in the midst of the pandemic. The Gustavus Running Club has been encouraging Gusties to take care of themselves both mentally and physically … Continue reading Running Club Begins 100 Mile Challenge

Senior Spotlight: Mouaad Alhouni

The spotlight this week travels to Senior Mouaad Alhouni who represents the Gustavus spirit and campus like quite no other on the Tennis Court! To get the inside scoop on life as a Gustavus tennis player, specifically a senior, I got the chance to interview Mouaad and learn some of the highlights. While Gustavus, and surely the Tennis team, will mourn the loss of a … Continue reading Senior Spotlight: Mouaad Alhouni

The Life of an Online Canoe Student: Logan Ries paddles through one stroke at a time

For many Gusties, classes have looked a little different ever since Gustavus adopted an online learning model this past spring. However, regardless of the many ways students creatively break the monotony of college-under-quarantine, one thing remains consistent across most online classes: the content is adaptable to a remote format. In discussion-based classes, the biggest challenge is making sure one’s microphone is muted when not speaking. … Continue reading The Life of an Online Canoe Student: Logan Ries paddles through one stroke at a time

Intramural Sports are Back! Gusties prepare for the return of intramural sports this fall

Normality comes in small doses both at Gustavus and at-large this year, yet where it can be found, it is. Since Oct.19, Gustavus has been hosting the return of intramural sports to campus to provide both a welcome distraction and a healthy outlet for energy. This year, they are meant to encourage active behavior while still being mindful of all the safety measures promoted on … Continue reading Intramural Sports are Back! Gusties prepare for the return of intramural sports this fall