Gustavus Mentoring Program connects former and current Gusties

Grace LaTourelle- With all of the intricacies of being a college student soon to enter the workforce, the Gustavus Mentoring Program aims to connect current students with Gustie alumni. Through the platform Gusties Connect, as part of PeopleGrove, students will be matched with a mentor to connect and network with. “The Gustavus Mentoring Program is a program that runs throughout the school year. The program … Continue reading Gustavus Mentoring Program connects former and current Gusties

AUA holds insightful watch party

Elliot Steeves- The Association for Underrepresented Awareness (AUA) will hold a watch party for the documentary American Hospitals: Healing a Broken System on Nov. 15th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. American Hospitals is a forthcoming documentary that will be available to rent on Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, and Vudu starting Nov. 10th. The documentary looks at how American hospitals have turned into money-driven … Continue reading AUA holds insightful watch party

Alpha Sigma Tau hosts “Know Your Worth” brunch for fundraiser

Grace LaTourelle- Alpha Sigma Tau (AST) is hosting their annual brunch on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The theme of this year’s brunch is ‘Know Your Worth’, and will take place in Alumni Hall. The free brunch will be accompanied by a presentation with speaker and Mental Health Therapist Jessica Auel, a performance by Gustavus Women’s A Cappella, and a silent auction. AST’s mission … Continue reading Alpha Sigma Tau hosts “Know Your Worth” brunch for fundraiser

“Hate in the heartland”; Samuel Freedman talks about civil rights history

Elliot Steeves- Samuel Freedman, a nationally renowned columnist, author, and Professor of Journalism at Columbia College, gave a lecture on his new book, Into The Bright Sunshine: Young Hubert Humphrey and the Fight for Civil Rights. The talk took place on Oct. 30th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. Freedman aimed to fill a historical and biographical gap within the life of … Continue reading “Hate in the heartland”; Samuel Freedman talks about civil rights history

Pizzas, profs, and the past

Katie Samek- The Gustavus History Department would like to formally invite you to join them for “Pizza, Profs, and the Past” on Tuesday, Nov. 7th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Beck 301. This year’s event, “We Were Displaced”, will be discussing Estonia’s Swedish minority during its periods of occupation under both Soviet and Nazi rule, and will be hosted by Dr. Glenn Kranking. … Continue reading Pizzas, profs, and the past

Rest and relaxation: self care during Fall Break

Elliot Steeves- Self-care and mental well-being can be a challenge for Gusties, especially as they approach Fall Break. Nevertheless, it remains an important point of emphasis. Around this time of year, stress, anxiety, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), begin to show themselves and their symptoms. SAD is a form of depression that affects most people during the fall and winter. Usually, it causes significant distress … Continue reading Rest and relaxation: self care during Fall Break

GAC prepares to welcome prospective students for fall visit days

Grace LaTourelle- At a certain point, all Gustavus students were a prospect, a budding Gustie, yearning for the “Perfect College Fit” and wondering if Gustavus would be just that. Oct. 19 through 20, 2023, high school Juniors and Seniors -our potential future Gusties- will be flooding campus for Fall Visit Days. “Fall Visit Days [are] the largest Gustie recruiting event in the fall semester. This … Continue reading GAC prepares to welcome prospective students for fall visit days

Academic curriculum changes after vote passes at faculty meeting

Elliot Steeves- Major changes are coming to the Gustavus Academic Calendar in 2024. The January term is going away, Fall Break will extend to one week in duration, Saturday finals have been eliminated, and the Spring semester will start the second week of January and will now end in late April, with commencement being in early May. All these changes will commence in the 2024-2025 … Continue reading Academic curriculum changes after vote passes at faculty meeting

Speaker Jessica Lynne Pearson to lecture on African independence and decolonization

Elliot Steeves- Macalester College Professor Jessica Lynne Pearson will deliver an African/African Diaspora studies sponsored lecture on African Tourism in the 1960s and 1970s, with a focus on Senegal. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 7:00 p.m. Jessica Pearson’s specialty is Tourism in the African continent. The lecture, entitled “Colonial Hangover”, will also relate to issues of independence. The two focuses … Continue reading Speaker Jessica Lynne Pearson to lecture on African independence and decolonization

Brenda J. Child to speak at Wallenberg lecture about indigenous struggles

Grace LaTourelle- The 2023 Wallenberg Memorial Lecture will be given by the Professor of American Studies at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Brenda J. Child. Child’s lecture is entitled “Boarding Schools and American Indian Dispossession.” The lecture will take place Monday, Oct. 9 at 7:00 p.m. in Wallenberg Auditorium, located in Nobel Hall. It’s sponsored by the Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies department. The runtime … Continue reading Brenda J. Child to speak at Wallenberg lecture about indigenous struggles