Student senate welcomes new co-presidents for 2025

Elliot Steeves- Juniors Chance Korpela and Robby Swenson are now your new Student Senate co-presidents. They won the election as the only tickets running for the office on the ballot. Both Korpela and Swenson wanted to run together after Swenson approached Korpela about the idea of serving as co-presidents. They have worked together previously as representatives for the Class of 2025. “It was something that … Continue reading Student senate welcomes new co-presidents for 2025

4Word event to host authors for writing workshops and Q&A

Grace LaTourelle- The 4Word event, presented by the Friends of the Library- Gustavus Library Associates (GLA), will be taking place at the Southdale Library from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 6th.   According to the Gustavus website, the GLA promotes learning, literature, and the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library at Gustavus. The 4Word event will benefit the library at Gustavus despite taking place … Continue reading 4Word event to host authors for writing workshops and Q&A

Career Development Center launches new website using uConnect

Elliot Steeves- The Gustavus Career Center has transferred to the new UConnect platform [linked here] to host many of its functions found on both Handshake and PeopleGrove. The move involves the shift of many features, such as the time and location of networking events which required a login to access. The website is also designed to look substantially more modern than the previous website. Based … Continue reading Career Development Center launches new website using uConnect

Women in Leadership hosts Cindra Kamphoff for “Beyond Grit” talk

Elliot Steeves- For this year’s International Women’s Day, Gustavus Adolphus College will host Cindra Kamphoff, a renowned mental performance coach, for a talk from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 8th in the Wallenberg Auditorium. Kamphoff’s talk will center around her focus on passion and purpose when going after your goals. “The definition of grit is just that: passion, perseverance, and purpose through … Continue reading Women in Leadership hosts Cindra Kamphoff for “Beyond Grit” talk

Elder Whitehawk comes back to campus to visit classes

Katie Samek- The Gustavus President’s Council for Indigenous Relations (PCIR) is pleased to announce that Dakota Elder Joe Whitehawk will be returning as the PCIR’s 2024 Elder in Residence, and will be hosting informal talks with several classes from various academic disciplines about the Indigenous history of the Saint Peter area and ways that students can participate in Indigenous advocacy, both here on campus as … Continue reading Elder Whitehawk comes back to campus to visit classes

Childhood Poverty; Building Bridges to host conference

Grace LaTourelle- Childhood Poverty: Uniting Voices to Empower Tomorrow is the theme for this year’s Building Bridges Conference, taking place at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday, March 2nd, in Alumni Hall. This year marks the 29th Building Bridges Conference at Gustavus. Hosted by the Building Bridges student organization, the conference has revolved around a variety of topics regarding social justice. Past conferences have explored topics such … Continue reading Childhood Poverty; Building Bridges to host conference

Major moves: Gustavus introduces Athletic Training Master’s Degree

Katie Samek- Gustavus Adolphus College announced the unveiling of its first-ever master’s program, an Athletic Training master’s degree, on campus at the GAC Athletics Open House on Monday, Feb. 19. Hopes are high among several other departments that other master’s degree programs of a similar nature will follow. Monday’s meeting was headed by Dr. Mary Westby, program director for the Athletic Training master’s degree. Also … Continue reading Major moves: Gustavus introduces Athletic Training Master’s Degree

Competition for a cause: Mr. Gustavus 2024

Grace LaTourelle- Mr. Gustavus is an annual tradition hosted by the Theta Xi Gamma sorority to raise money for their philanthropy, the Pinky Swear Foundation. The pageant will take place on Friday, April 5, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. “As a sorority, our Pinky Swear philanthropy partnership is at the core of all that we do – Mr. Gustavus being no exception,” Junior … Continue reading Competition for a cause: Mr. Gustavus 2024

Student Senate elections on the horizon

Elliot Steeves- The Gustavus Student Senate will run an election for their new co-presidents next year on Feb. 26th. The election will run all day from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. This year’s election will only consist of one ticket for co-president, consisting of sitting senators Robby Swenson and Chance Korpela, per Associate Dean of Students Megan Ruble. However, the ballot will also feature key … Continue reading Student Senate elections on the horizon

Spring semester comes back to GAC in full swing

Grace LaTourelle- Spring Semester has arrived on the Hill, which results in the thawing of J-term into the regular buzz of student life. Between the end of the second week of the semester to May 21, the end of the 2023-2024 school year, Gusties have deadlines, events, athletics, and registrations. Interim Dean of Student, Charlie Potts recognized the duality of Spring Semester: being present in … Continue reading Spring semester comes back to GAC in full swing