Prepare Ministries ILS House

In response to The Weekly’s article about the renovation of the Lundgren House, we would like to offer another part of the story. For the 2009-2010 school year, we lived in Lundgren House as part of Residential Life’s ILS program. In the spring of 2010, we reapplied to live in the house after already being guaranteed the spot by Resiential Life. We were accepted into … Continue reading Prepare Ministries ILS House

9/11 Never Forget Memorial

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the students, faculty and administration who showed such overwhelming support for the 9/11 Never Forget Memorial last Friday. We had over 70 people help set up the flags and over 35 show up in the rain for the candlelight service. We will definitely continue to host this event in the future, as we have for years past. … Continue reading 9/11 Never Forget Memorial

Gustavus’ Christian faith presence

Soon my daughter’s journey at Gustavus Adolphus College will end. In looking back, it amazes our family how fast time passed, but also permitted us to look at the realities of Gustavus’ Christian faith presence. Before accepting Gustavus, we spoke with the past President, past Dean of Students and current Chaplains. Accepting Gustavus as a college of high academics, our conversations focused on Gustavus’ practice … Continue reading Gustavus’ Christian faith presence

Re: Theft raises questions about security of chemicals on campus

We are writing in defense of Amanda Nienow, her TA from J-Term, and the Gustavus chemistry department in general. We think that implicit in last week’s article were some bold insinuations which targeted all three of these entities, and that much of it was unfair. In short, we were under the impression that the department, Amanda Nienow and her TA were at fault for this … Continue reading Re: Theft raises questions about security of chemicals on campus

American Sign Language awareness

I am currently a student in a public discourse class, and for my project my goal is to raise awareness to the need for American Sign Language to be offered as a foreign language credit here on our campus. American Sign Language is the fourth most commonly used language in the United States and can be very beneficial in many different communities. Currently Bethel University, … Continue reading American Sign Language awareness

National White Privilege Conference

This year, 13 students, three faculty/staff and one area community member joined to prepare ourselves to attend the eleventh annual National White Privilege Conference in La Crosse, WI, with over 1700 other attendees. This conference was created to fight against the systems of power and privilege used for the purposes of oppression. Our team was made up of a variety of people, and it was … Continue reading National White Privilege Conference