How to Report Sexual Misconduct at Gustavus

Sexual assault, rape culture, and related topics have been frequently discussed on campus as a result of a successful Building Bridges conference and some negative backlash in response to it. This week, I looked into the process that one would go through if they have been sexually assaulted, raped, or have experienced some other form of sexual misconduct at Gustavus. Dean of Students JoNes VanHecke … Continue reading How to Report Sexual Misconduct at Gustavus

They went to Gustavus?

Hundreds of students graduate from Gustavus every year. These Gustavus graduates go on to hold a wide array of occupations, volunteer for a wide spectrum of organizations, and find their purpose in life in a variety of ways. Some of these alums even achieve state-wide or nation-wide fame. The timeline below illustrates some of the most famous people to once grace the halls of Gustavus … Continue reading They went to Gustavus?