Women’s Soccer: kicking for a cause

Although the Gustavus women’s soccer team had a rough beginning this season, they have managed to improve with every game, bringing their standing up to 5-6-0 overall and 3-4-0 in the MIAC. With four new first-years on the team, working out the kinks in their game and learning how to work as one cohesive unit has been an ongoing project. The Gustie women have two … Continue reading Women’s Soccer: kicking for a cause

Tensions arise in Greek system over communication issues

After ranking sixth on the Best Colleges Online list of the top ten colleges that “Get Greek Life Right,” Gustavus Greeks once again dove into their pledging periods at the end of September, but not without some feelings of frustration over pitfalls in communication and lack of student participation in decision making. Gustavus has both local and national chapters that are regulated by the college … Continue reading Tensions arise in Greek system over communication issues

Communication Studies department receives national award

Recognized for classes centered around civic engagement and community development The Communication Studies Department has been awarded the 2012 Rex Mix Program of Excellence Award from the National Communication Association (NCA), the country’s largest organization in the communication studies field. The department will officially receive the award at the NCA’s annual convention in Orlando, Florida, Nov. 15-18. The award generally commends the innovation and dedication … Continue reading Communication Studies department receives national award

Gusties stress importance of voting…

…no matter your party Voter turnout has almost always been low amongst those between the ages of 18 – 24, but as of the 2008 election things have started to change—49% voted, which is up 2% from 2004, according to the United States Census Bureau. Still, compared to every other age group, young voters turn out the least. “I think politics are one of those … Continue reading Gusties stress importance of voting…

Habitat for Humanity group launches new Fall Break trip

The Gustavus Habitat for Humanity student Co-Presidents will lead the Fall Break Habitat for Humanity Work Trip to Virginia, MN over Reading Days, Oct. 19-23. Besides being the first completely student-led trip, it is also the first ever Fall Break trip. The Habitat Co-Presidents are Senior Tristan Richards and Junior Megan Maricle-Roberts. They are hoping for a group of around 20 students. The group will … Continue reading Habitat for Humanity group launches new Fall Break trip

Nobel Conference 48 widens its audience ‘net’

Almost 5,000 people come to the Nobel Conference each year. Most of the attendees are delegates from high schools and other colleges. Despite the fact that Lund can only seat close to 2,500 people, thousands still pour in to witness lectures given by Nobel laureates and scientific minds. There is a broad spectrum of attendees, including community members, Gusties watching via the internet and even … Continue reading Nobel Conference 48 widens its audience ‘net’

Gustie of the Week: Eric Halvorson

Eric Halvorson is a Senior Political Science Honors major and Religion minor. He is the department assistant for Political Science and also the co-president of Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science honor society. His passion for Political Science stems from a place of curiosity in the ways people relate to their communities, “I am really interested in the different ways that people participate in the … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Eric Halvorson