To energy drink, or energy eat?

As semester final projects approach and students begin to study for exams, many are looking for an extra edge to defy their body’s needs and forego sleep and proper nutrition. These are essential to optimum function, health and mood balance, yet students still look to the aid of energy drinks and other caffeine sources that may not be ideal choices when dealing with either personal … Continue reading To energy drink, or energy eat?

New coach, new perspective brings high expectations

The women’s basketball team is starting off the season not only with new head coach Laurie Kelly, but also a new attitude and perspective towards the game. Head coach Kelly believes the team has gotten better with every game and is proud to have started off right during the first part of the season on the road. Coach Kelly is expecting the team to take … Continue reading New coach, new perspective brings high expectations

Timberwolves don’t let injuries keep them down

Despite offseason promises of a successful 2012-2013 season, the Minnesota Timberwolves are off to a disappointing start.  The team has not given up yet, though. In fact, the Wolves are more optimistic than ever, as they prepare for the return of Ricky Rubio. The Wolves have an 8-9 record, are 3-5 within the Western Conference, and are 0-2 within the Northwest Division. The team is … Continue reading Timberwolves don’t let injuries keep them down

St. Lucia celebration recognizes oustanding sophomore women

The festival of St. Lucia, which in Swedish tradition, begins the Christmas season, is traditionally celebrated on Dec. 13 – one of the longest nights of winter. “It’s a tradition about light,” Assistant to the President for Special Projects and Advisor for the St. Lucia Guild Barb Larson Taylor said. According to the Swedish legend, a woman named Lucia was martyred because she would not … Continue reading St. Lucia celebration recognizes oustanding sophomore women

Campus Safety Report (11/30/12)

Monday, November 12 •  A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at Nobel Hall. •  A student reported a theft of unsecured personal property from the Lund Center. • A Collegiate Fellow responded to a noise violation in Norelius Hall. Tuesday, November 13 •  Campus Safety responded to a medical assist in Uhler Hall. • Campus Safety received a report of a bike … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (11/30/12)

Gender neutral housing discussions begin with Res Life

Gustavus offers many different opportunities for housing: traditional halls like Sohre and Pittman, triples and quads in Uhler, apartment style living in buildings like College View and Southwest and special interest housing like the International Center (IC) and Intentional Learning and Service (ILS) Houses. One area that the institution lacks, however, is an official gender neutral housing option. Gender neutral housing is gender-blind housing where … Continue reading Gender neutral housing discussions begin with Res Life

PASO gear up for annual Kwanzaa celebration

The Pan Afrikan Student Organization (PASO) will host their annual Kwanzaa celebration  on Thursday, Dec. 6 in Alumni Hall from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. “Kwanzaa, a pan-African holiday, originated in 1966 as a week-long celebration when it was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga to give African Americans a holiday to celebrate their history and culture,” PASO Co-President Senior Zainab Jaji said. Coming from the … Continue reading PASO gear up for annual Kwanzaa celebration