International Festival to showcase cultures on campus

In celebration of the diverse cultures present on the Gustavus campus, the annual International Festival will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19 as an entertaining and educational way for the campus community to learn about other cultures. The festival will be hosted in Alumni Hall and is planned to run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Hosted by the International Cultures Club, the festival is … Continue reading International Festival to showcase cultures on campus

Too much stress? Help yourself to a break!

Mix an ambitious white writer and an experienced black maid and in essence you have The Help, a book written by Kathryn Stockett, and adapted for the big screen in the identically titled movie The Help (2011). Playing this weekend, Nov. 11, 12 and 13 in Wallenberg Auditoriun. Highlighting the stories of progressive, unyielding, white Americans helping in the fight against racial prejudice, the story … Continue reading Too much stress? Help yourself to a break!

Choreographers’ Gallery displays students’ movements

Choreographers’ Gallery will  showcase original pieces from student choreographers and dancers at the Anderson Theatre on Nov. 17, 18 and 19 at 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Nov. 20. Tickets are available at the Student Activities Office information (SAO) desk or at Choreographers’ Gallery takes place every other fall semester. This year there will be six student-choreographed pieces and a solo. “There are … Continue reading Choreographers’ Gallery displays students’ movements

Gustie showcase spotlights student artists

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) will host the Gustie Showcase at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 16 in the Courtyard Cafe. CAB is best known for bringing outside talent to campus, but this event will demonstrate how much talent is already on the hill. “It really gives Gusties a chance to show people their talents and I think people really like to see other Gusties … Continue reading Gustie showcase spotlights student artists

‘Tis (not quite) the season

On your marks. Get set. BANG! That’s not the roar of a cheering crowd of fanatics you hear, unless you happen to be reading the paper at a hockey game, in which case, you really need to sort out your priorities. No, that’s the sound of the collective student body’s mental gears pushing into overtime. It’s that time of year: everyone’s running the Post-Midterm Six-Week … Continue reading ‘Tis (not quite) the season

RE: Pavement of Malls

After observing foot traffic on campus in recent weeks, I wish to submit a modest proposal. The powers-that-be should consider paving all of Eckman Mall and the east end of the West Mall. Many pedestrians seem to have adopted the simple geometric axiom to plan their itineraries across campus  – “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” I suspect that very soon … Continue reading RE: Pavement of Malls