Two Cents on Minumum Wage

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton signed legislation this month that will gradually boost the state’s minimum wage to $9.50 by 2016. Passed with only Democratic support in the state legislature, the new law shall mandate that Minnesota’s current minimum wage of $6.15 per hour, one of the lowest in the country, will rise by more than $3 over the next few years and stay tied to … Continue reading Two Cents on Minumum Wage

The Diff-abled

I came across the term “differently-abled” a few years ago, and thought it was just an eye-roll-inducing invention by the hyper politically correct. In the past year, however, I have come to see it in a positive, even necessary light. Most people in this country have heard of the ongoing debate about the appropriateness of cochlear implants in people who are deaf. Some say, for people … Continue reading The Diff-abled

Guest Submissions

Keenan Madson – On the Chinese Program On July 15, 1979, President Jimmy Carter delivered his “Crisis of Confidence” speech where he addressed American’s fears that the future was not going to be as promising as the present. In echoing President Carter, I, too, am writing because the Gustavus Community is now suffering its own crisis of confidence. If Gustavus continues with a trajectory marred by … Continue reading Guest Submissions

World Domination and Other Food Staples

The Incas were a brilliant and vast empire. They had control over substantial amounts of land, flourished without Western conventions, and remained this way for  long time. So it is no surprise that the United States, which fancies itself to be a great empire, wants to achieve this same greatness. After much speculation over the prospect of world domination, the U.S. has finally come to … Continue reading World Domination and Other Food Staples

Letters to the Editor (4/25/2014)

In response to the removal of Chinese courses. I am a Gustie Alumni and recently I heard from Professor Obermiller about the college in consideration of removing Mandarin Chinese lessons. I sincerely appreciate Gustavus for providing quality undergraduate educations to every Gustie and to have initiated the Mandarin course for our students. My Gustie friends and my experience told me that Chinese is not as hard to learn as they presume. Conversely, students … Continue reading Letters to the Editor (4/25/2014)

Our Future, Our Voices, #OurGustavus

Students gather to rejuvenate the meaning of community Today, students of Gustavus Adolphus College will gather together outside the chapel to rejuvenate the meaning of community damaged by the disempowerment of its representatives.  The students will participate in Divest-Fest, a community rally in the pursuit of student voice in investment and administrative decisions that will affect the community’s future. “What we really like to focus on … Continue reading Our Future, Our Voices, #OurGustavus

Campus Safety Report (4/25/2014)

Tuesday, April 15 Campus Safety responded to a report of two students being responsible for a theft of College property. An Adirondack chair was recovered in a room in Sorensen Hall. Wednesday, April 16 Campus Safety responded to a drug/narcotic violation in North Hall involving one student. Collegiate Fellows responded to a policy violation in Pittman Hall involving two students. Thursday, April 17 A student … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (4/25/2014)

Student ‘Our Gustavus’ Campaign calls for financial transparency

One of the biggest issues facing today’s colleges and universities is budget allocation. Students, staff, and administration may never completely agree on where money should be spent, how it should be invested, and where it should be restricted. However, in the case of a private college, such as Gustavus, reports stating exactly where- and how much- money is being allocated do not require public release. … Continue reading Student ‘Our Gustavus’ Campaign calls for financial transparency