Building Bridges Conference to address culture of sexual violence

For two decades, the Building Bridges Conference has fostered discussion and awareness of topics on social justice on the Gustavus campus. The Co-Presidents for the 2014-15 conference, Kyle Maloney and Leah Soule, announced on Wednesday, Sep. 10 that the 20th annual Building Bridges Conference will address the culture of sexual violence. The Building Bridges Conference is typically held in the spring, and involves a variety … Continue reading Building Bridges Conference to address culture of sexual violence

The FOURTH CROWN: National Physician Shortage Traced to Gustavus Department of Chemistry

The content of this page as satirical in nature and in no way reflects the views of The Gustavian Weekly, Gustavus ,or its faculty, students, or administrators. The Fourth Crown is not intended for readers under the age of 18. MINNEAPOLIS­­–A comprehensive study released this week by the University of Minnesota College of Medical Sciences has attributed the nation’s shortage of physicians to the Department … Continue reading The FOURTH CROWN: National Physician Shortage Traced to Gustavus Department of Chemistry

The FOURTH CROWN: First-Year Student Loves Coed Floor So Much, Friendships Will Last a Lifetime

The content of this page as satirical in nature and in no way reflects the views of The Gustavian Weekly, Gustavus ,or its faculty, students, or administrators. The Fourth Crown is not intended for readers under the age of 18. SAINT PETER—Following the completion of an entire week living together in section 3C of Norelius Hall, First-Year student Christie Jensen has reached the conclusion that … Continue reading The FOURTH CROWN: First-Year Student Loves Coed Floor So Much, Friendships Will Last a Lifetime

Presidential History

He was the founder of the soon-to-be-named Gustavus Adolphus College in Red Wing, Minn. Norelius Residence Hall is currently named after the founding president.       Johnson served as the college president for 29 years, the longest in Gustavus’ history. In that time, the College improved its facilities, added more academic departments, and increased student enrollment. The O.J. Johnson Student Union is named after … Continue reading Presidential History

Tales from Abroad: Adventures in the Land of 10,000 Bikes.

Danes like to joke that they are born with a bike between their legs, and I must admit, the caricature holds some truth. In fact, there are more bikes than inhabitants in København, Denmark and over 50 percent of the population uses a bike during their daily commute, including me. My day begins in the countryside town of Farum; breakfast with my host sister and … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: Adventures in the Land of 10,000 Bikes.

Efron is the new comedian on the block

Aside from a few hiccups like The Green Hornet, Guilt Trip, and angering the North Korean government, Seth Rogen’s on a pretty solid roll in the last couple of years. He’s shown talent as an actor in dramas and comedies, provided voice work for Dreamworks films, and has shown he can write with Superbad and Pineapple Express. If Superbad helped boost the comedic reputations of … Continue reading Efron is the new comedian on the block

Breaking Bad, Modern Family Win Big at 2014 Emmys

The Emmys statuette, a winged woman holding an atom, recognizes excellence in the industry of television. The 2014 Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony was held on Monday, Aug. 25 at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California. The 66th annual ceremony was held to honor the best in U.S. primetime television programming from June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014. The show was broadcast by NBC … Continue reading Breaking Bad, Modern Family Win Big at 2014 Emmys

Quarter century later- Looking back at The Simpsons

What started with the following of a dysfunctional, working-class family slowly became a show about a town filled with hilarious four fingered characters. Over the past 25 years, The Simpsons has been a critical part in pop culture, going beyond just  a television show to  movie, comic book series, albums, video games, toys, and apparel. Last year FX’s sister channel FXX announced that they had … Continue reading Quarter century later- Looking back at The Simpsons

GUSTIE of the WEEK – Maggie Kennedy

After transferring to Gustavus during January Interm Experience of her sophomore year, now Senior Maggie Kennedy felt  she had flown mostly under the radar.  Those who have met her would disagree, believing t her genuine personality and passion are difficult to miss. “There is much to admire when it comes to Maggie’s personality and character. Some people might be hesitant toward being themselves, but Maggie … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK – Maggie Kennedy

CAUTION: Chronic Dehydration May Cause Stupidity

Before I even start, I’ll let you in on a little secret. The correct answer is: water. Now, before you hurry to your next class and proceed to answer every question on your quiz with H2O, first consider that you will most likely fail your quiz and/or test, start the year off to a less than desirable start, and probably take my name in vain. … Continue reading CAUTION: Chronic Dehydration May Cause Stupidity