The content of this page as satirical in nature and in no way reflects the views of The Gustavian Weekly, Gustavus ,or its faculty, students, or administrators. The Fourth Crown is not intended for readers under the age of 18 Increasingly awful weather reminds students why they chose Gustavus SAINT PETER— As the weather begins its annual plunge into the negative digits, students are breaking … Continue reading The FOURTH CROWN: Issue 6

The A la Carte Jazz Brunch for the whole family

With the upcoming Family Weekend, students with family members visiting have plenty of activities around campus to attend. One event that should be on everyone’s radar is the A la Carte Jazz Brunch on Sunday, Oct. 12 from 11-12:30 p.m. in the Evelyn Young Dining Room. The event will feature live music from the Adolphus Jazz Ensemble and the Gustavus Jazz Lab Band. Director of … Continue reading The A la Carte Jazz Brunch for the whole family

Dirty Dancing Film Turned Musical

The Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis has been home to countless plays and musicals, and another has been added to the list. Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story On Stage hit the stage Tuesday, Oct. 7 and will be showing through Sunday, Oct. 19. The Gustavus Campus Activities Board took students to the show on Thursday, Oct. 9. Most  have heard of the cult classic movie … Continue reading Dirty Dancing Film Turned Musical

Million Dollar Arm Strikes Out

Million Dollar Arm was not exactly the most talked about summer movie before or after its release, since it was competing with The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Godzilla, and Neighbors. It was, however, one of those movies that provided an option for the parents or older folks to watch while they dropped of their kids to see the previously mentioned movies. Sports movies have a hard … Continue reading Million Dollar Arm Strikes Out

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Alexa Peterson

Duluth native Alexa Peterson credits the people, the classes, and the warm weather as the three reasons she chose to come to Gustavus. The junior has been an active member of the Gustavus community and has made a strong impression on the people who impressed her from the start. “Alexa is extremely involved on campus. Although she is involved in countless activities, she still makes … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Alexa Peterson

The Nobel Conference: 50 Years of History and Counting

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Nobel Conference started in 1965 as a way to create a series of symposiums that promoted the College’s Swedish roots. In 1963, Alfred Nobel Memorial Hall of Science was dedicated in honor of the Swedish chemist who gave his fortune to reward extraordinary people in the areas of physics, medicine, literature, peace, and chemistry. During the dedication, Nobel Laureates and … Continue reading The Nobel Conference: 50 Years of History and Counting

Student research posters to be displayed during Nobel Conference

As some of the world’s foremost scientists speak at Gustavus during the 2014 Nobel Conference, some students will also have the opportunity to share their own research in the Nobel Conference Student Research Poster Display. Physics Professor Tom Huber organized the event and addressed the motivation for displaying student work during the Nobel Conference. “We’ve got thousands of visitors on campus, everything from Nobel Prize … Continue reading Student research posters to be displayed during Nobel Conference

50th Nobel Conference seeks to answer “Where Does Science Go From Here?”

Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College has been a proud and unique tradition for nearly fifty years. The conference began in 1963 when 26 Nobel Laureates gathered on campus for the dedication of the Nobel Hall of Science as the first memorial in America commemorated to Alfred Nobel. President Edgar Carlson and other College officials attended the Nobel Foundation and received permission to hold an … Continue reading 50th Nobel Conference seeks to answer “Where Does Science Go From Here?”