Men’s Golf Gets Season Underway

The Gustavus Men’s Golf is looking to have a very successful year. Without a full golf course here on campus, the team calls the LeSueur Country Club their home course. Along with the Le Sueur Country Club, the team also practices at the Drenttel Golf Facility here at Gustavus. The team teed off their season at the Augsburg Invitational at Majestic Oaks earlier this month. … Continue reading Men’s Golf Gets Season Underway

Club Tennis Rockets in Popularity

Whether playing competitively or for fun, Tennis Club is a welcoming organization that accepts players of all skill levels. Last spring they received “Club of the Year” honors. The club community prides itself on being friendly and open both on and off the courts. Sophomore History Major Samuel Kuschel, found time to attend his first tennis club meet Monday, although his jam-packed schedule does not … Continue reading Club Tennis Rockets in Popularity

Your Vote and Money Don’t Matter

Your vote doesn’t really matter. If that thought has ever passed through your mind then you’ve experienced voter apathy, and I don’t blame you. It can be hard to feel like your one vote matters, especially when your candidate loses. You may have been told that in all reality your vote actually does not matter in comparison to your money, but is that really the … Continue reading Your Vote and Money Don’t Matter

Quit Major-Shaming Me

You want to major in that?” “But what can you actually do with that?” “You know you’re gonna be poor, right?” If you’ve heard any of the following phrases from family, friends, extended relatives, or little old church ladies, you are victim of major-shaming. No, not major shaming (though it can feel that way after three hours of smiling and gritting your teeth through a … Continue reading Quit Major-Shaming Me

GAC Handbells

Gustavus Adolphus College is known for many of its musical groups. But a lesser known ensemble has been gaining recognition: the Gustavus Handbells. Handbells are commonly used in church music and were introduced at Gustavus in the mid-1990s to help develop the church music program. Previously made up of two different ensembles, this year the group will expand to three ensembles. Any student, whether they … Continue reading GAC Handbells