Big Hill Farm Experiments with New System

Big Hill Farm, Gustavus’ own student led produce farm, is finishing its sixth fall harvest season and gearing up for their first winter in a greenhouse. The farm, although small, provides about half of all the fresh produce in the caf. Usually, Big Hill Farm closes their gates after the fall harvest and waits for the thaw in spring to start planting again. This year … Continue reading Big Hill Farm Experiments with New System

Families Flock to Campus for Fall Festival

Family Weekend is the one weekend a year homesick students and empty nester parents come together on campus to enjoy activities made just for them. Students whose families will not be on campus can also enjoy the weekend as most of the events can be done with a simple group of friends, as well. The activities range from a movie, comedy improv, an acrobatic show, … Continue reading Families Flock to Campus for Fall Festival

Gustavus Showcases Award­-Winning Artist Michal Sagar

Gustavus Adolphus College is well-­known for having renowned art exhibitions on display. During the month of October, the College is hosting artist Michal Sagar’s exhibit “Beginning of the Third Dream” in the Schaefer Gallery in the Department of Art and Art History in the Schaefer Fine Arts Center. Similar to the Hillstrom Museum on the lower level of the Campus Center, admission to the gallery … Continue reading Gustavus Showcases Award­-Winning Artist Michal Sagar

Jump with Joy for Inside Out

Years ago audiences thought Pixar could do no wrong when it came to making quality animated films. However, following the success of Up and Toy Story 3, Pixar has struggled to make creative and impactful products. They have made somewhat mediocre or forgettable movies for the last couple of years, while their owner, Disney, has stepped up their CG animation with hits like Wreck-It Ralph … Continue reading Jump with Joy for Inside Out

Gustie of the Week – Noah O’Ryan

As a child, Noah O’Ryan and his father would spend their quality bonding time taking regular trips to the movie theater. Now a junior in college, their tradition remains just as strong as the passion that Noah developed for filmmaking. “My parents first gave me a flip camera when I was in 6th grade. I don’t remember the first film I made but I do … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Noah O’Ryan

Social Media – A Popular Pastime or Another Form of Addiction

This year’s Nobel Conference explored the science behind addiction and the associated sociological and psychological experiences. A notable aspect was the idea of addiction being an “equal opportunity condition” in which anyone can fall victim to. Given the sleep deprivation, pressure, and stress, it is no wonder that college students are especially susceptible to facets of addiction. A notable and fairly recent dependency stems from … Continue reading Social Media – A Popular Pastime or Another Form of Addiction