To slay studying- the most daring quest of all

Welcome, ye weary traveler. Although your travel has been long and arduous, it only now begins. Through these next few weeks, your first step into the adventure of college will begin. You’ll no doubt meet a variety of people, learn wondrous things, and see acronyms no one’s mind would ever dare to dream up. But, as the semester kicks into high gear and as the wheel of time moves ever forward, the dragon of ‘Studying’ must be slain. In your time here at Gustavus and through the many courses you will take, studying will become essential to your work and, through this piece, I hope you take some ounces of knowledge forth to improve your study.

The most important thing that I have to consistently remind myself to do while studying is turn off my electronics. Multiple times during my first year in Sohre Hall, I would steel myself to sit at my desk and get through a few chapters of a book for one of my courses. And yet, without fail, a notification from my phone would pull me away from my work, and I would awaken from a trance after an hour of doing nothing but staring at my phone, the time stolen from me. Turning your phone on airplane mode, just powering it down, or simply putting it somewhere you can’t easily access it while studying will make the possible distraction disappear, ensuring full focus on the exam or class you’ll be studying for.

In an effort to minimize as many distractions as possible, another good option is to find a good space that allows you to study. For myself, I cannot sit in my dorm room and study for tests or research for papers. I find the room too inviting, usually finding something that may distract me such as my Nintendo Switch. So, I often go to the library, or some of the little nooks in each of the buildings across campus to study in one of those rooms. 

Some notable spots on campus are the second floor of the Nobel Hall of Science, specifically the Peterson Atrium, which has multiple spots for people to sit and study. However, if this open environment is not ideal for your studying situation, there are a multitude of private rooms along the second floor that can host a more private study session, either alone or with a small group.

Speaking of groups, another strategy for studying is to find a few people to study with. Finding one or two people to talk with, bounce ideas back and forth, and share and compare notes with is invaluable to any good study session. Additionally, having a person there to correct and guide you to the correct information will always make things easier. And, sure, there are online platforms that have similar techniques, where one can do flashcards or other small tests of their knowledge, but being able to discuss and learn from another person while also helping them in their own learning is one of the best ways to study well.


In the same vein of studying in groups, something which must be taken advantage of when struggling with certain subjects is to use the office hours a professor offers. Being able to go in and discuss things that you are having issues with one-on-one or getting advice on what to do better will let you become better at knowing what to study for. Another sage offer of advice is to schedule when and what you’ll be studying for. Getting Google Calendar or using a calendar app on your phone to set specific times to study helps not only make the most out of your time but helps to prevent procrastinating on the work that needs to be done. 


And, finally, the most important advice I have to offer before you embark on your quest is to remember to take breaks for yourself. While college is a time of learning, a time of growing, and a time to figure out what you want to do with your life, it should also be an enjoyable experience. Go to clubs, have a movie night with friends, explore the town of St. Peter, and take breaks for yourself. Times will get stressful, as they always do, but being able to take a few minutes each day for yourself to calm down and relax will help your mental well-being, along with restoring the drive to continue the pursuit of knowledge. So while you venture forth into the great unknown, make sure that above all, you find some time to relax and enjoy your time at Gustavus.