3OH!3 performs at this year’s Spring Concert: Gusties relive their thrilling middle school years with 3OH!3

This past Friday, the Campus Activities Board (CAB) put on their big concert, which happens every other year on the Gustavus campus.

This year, CAB hired the band 3OH!3 to perform.

The concert also included an opening act, Grayson DeWolfe, a local band.

Most students were excited about the selection and those who attended the concert were even more happy with how it went.

First-year Isabel St. Dennis attended the concert on Friday night and really enjoyed the experience as a whole.

“It was one of my most fun Friday nights I’ve had here,” St. Dennis said.

Students also enjoyed the fact that they listened to this group growing up, mostly in their middle school years, and loved the nostalgia that came when the band played their big hits.

First-year Izzy Quast listened to the group when she was younger and was excited to be able to see them in person in the concert.

“It was fun hearing a band that I liked so much when I was younger. I had a lot of fun at the concert,” Quast said.

The band also got a positive review when it came to their performing skills and the energy that they brought to the Gustavus community.

A lot of students and concert goers noticed this and were thankful for it.

“The band’s energy made it more fun to watch them. You could tell they wanted to be here,” St. Dennis said.

Although, there were some disappointed students when it came to the band choice, those who attended the concert really loved the entire event and were appreciative of all that CAB did to put it on and make it actually happen.

“Everyone I saw there looked like they had a good time. CAB did a great job putting on the concert,” Quast said.

Not only did 3OH!3 put on a great performance, but the opening act also brought a great stage presence and sang awesome covers of popular songs.

The audience loved this act and thought it was a great opening to the big concert.

“The opening act was fun to dance to. They had a lot of good energy,” St. Dennis said.

CAB organizes the big concert every other year and does everything from managing the budget to advertising for months in advance in order to get the word out.

Emily Cox, a junior who is part of the marketing team for CAB, was able to see a lot of the behind the scenes of organizing the big concert and what it took to advertise for it in order to make it such a great success.

“CAB put countless hours into planning this concert,” Cox said. CAB also wanted to let the Gustavus community be able to voice their opinions about the concert, especially when it came to which artist, or artist, were going to be the main act. “[CAB] made sure the student body was heard by sending out surveys,” Cox said.

Cox also pointed out another student, Junior Michael Scheie, who organized a great amount of the event and put in a lot of effort in order for the Gustavus campus, and others who purchased tickets, to have a fun, affordable event for the end of the year.

“Michael Scheie was the head of the concert committee and made this whole event possible,” Cox said.

However, some students were especially excited for the concert, considering the big price tag that came along with it.

First-year Tyra Ericson was one student who wasn’t particularly thrilled for the way that the money was spent.

“I don’t think the big concert was necessary considering the amount of money [that] was spent. I don’t think anyone would miss [the big concert] if we could see those funds being put towards other long term change we can all enjoy throughout the year, or know someone was able to receive an education because of it [through scholarships],” Ericson said.

Although there was some concern on the money aspect for some students, most enjoyed the concert and thought of it as a huge success.

“I was excited to have [a band] Gustavus would like! 3Oh!3 had a lot of energy,” Cox said.