Proclaim: A Contemporary Worship Service

Proclaim is an organization at Gustavus focused on providing a contemporary worship time for students of the Christian faith. The group meets every Tuesday night at 9:00 pm in Alumni Hall or the Dive, and is open to students of all denominations.

The evening consists of a band, student speaker, and prayer stations. There is the option once a month for students to participate in communion.

Every night there are two sessions of worship music, separated by a student speaker. The speaker has the opportunity to share their story or experience and will also ask questions that encourage you to reach out and meet new people.

“Proclaim is a place to explore your faith and figure out what you like and don’t like” — Mallory Arnold

Proclaim is “a place to explore your faith and figure out what you like and don’t like,” Junior guitarist and vocalist Mallory Arnold said. She loves how Proclaim provides a place for people to go and listen to students their age who are going through the same struggles and life experiences they might be facing.

She emphasized the fact that students are not necessarily preaching, they are just there to share their knowledge and what they’ve learned with fellow students and friends.

Proclaim is a place for people who feel called to lead and allows them to become more confident and experienced.

Mykaela Otto, a member of the leadership board, estimated Proclaim has been around since the early 2000s and explained it works to provide an authentic and safe environment for students to share their stories.

Otto also shared the first time she felt at home here on campus was the first time she visited Proclaim, where she felt accepted and as though she belonged.

Students can be involved in this organization in a couple different ways; either by being a part of the leadership board, the band, or an audience participant.

The band is made up of different musicians, both instrumentalists, and vocalist, who play songs for the students worship. If students have a passion for music and want to use it for worship, there are sign-ups outside the doors of Alumni or the Dive after every service.

The band is looking for musicians, especially people who play unique instruments.

Proclaim is a place for people who feel called to lead and allows them to become more confident and experienced.

Marisa Jasicki, a sophomore member of the leadership team, says they split their responsibilities evenly, and all play a part in making sure the service runs smoothly.

Applications for the leadership team come out quickly after J-term. A reminder is sent out a little before January to give students time to make sure they are truly called to be a part of the team.

Besides being a member of the band or the leadership program, all students are invited to come and worship together on Tuesday nights.

Arnold explained that it is a good time for students to experience a new type of worship if they are used to a more traditional style. Students are welcomed to sing songs, listen to the speakers, and branch out and meet new people with discussions.

They can also request songs before or after the service and have the opportunity to submit prayer requests to a team dedicated to looking over them and praying for whatever the student has written.

Outside of just worship services Proclaim is involved on campus in a couple of other different ways. Proclaim also works with United, the group that brings together all the leaders of the Christian organizations, and gives them a place to advertise their events.

Not only does Proclaim work with the other Christian bodies, but Otto also that this year they are working to branch out to non-Christian groups and work in service with them.

Proclaim is one of many options for students looking to find a Christian group on campus.

Whether students find their place on the leadership team, the band, or in the crowd, there is something for everyone.

The team is always looking for new and passionate students to be involved and is home to many students who have already found it.