Health and Wellness Club makes exercise fun

If you are looking to stay fit through exercise that is enjoyable, the Health and Wellness club can is great place to start. There are many different activities the Health and Wellness Club hosts: zumba, water aerobics, cardio dance and much more.

Cardio dance is typically hosted on Sunday nights from 7p.m. to 8 p.m. The objective of cardio dance is to repeatedly perform upbeat movements that focus on core and strength.

“Cardio dance is a great way to relax and people don’t judge you if you’re bad at it. It’s an all inclusive and cheerful environment. Everyone is essentially dancing their hearts out, some of us are less proficient compared to the others, like me, but it’s nice to bounce around and enjoy myself,” Junior Hannah Walters said.

“I use a lot of current top charts songs to keep everyone engaged so the participants say ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve heard this song!’”Gabe Grosshuesch

There are some instructors who are certified and professional, some who are not, but all are very motivated and passionate about what they do.

“The instructor [of Cardio Dance] is really good at keeping the class going and engaged. He’s very cheerful and energetic,” Walters said.

Sophomore Gabe Grosshuesch is one of many motivated and cheerful instructors. The way he teaches his Cardio Dance class is very versatile and open for moderation.

“I incorporate a lot of Zumba, but I also incorporate a lot of strength and endurance exercises. Some songs we focus on legs and sometimes break out the weights. It’s different varieties of styles I choose to do. I use a lot of current top charts songs to keep everyone engaged so the participants say ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve heard this song!’” Grosshuesch said.

Grosshuesch mentioned that he tries to adapt each song and exercise for everyone, no matter his or her experience, and that anyone interested should try it out, regardless of gender.

The Health and Wellness Club promotes healthy lifestyle through exercise and exercise behaviors. Throughout the year, the club host events, their most recent being a yogurt parfait bar to promote nutrition and healthy eating habits.

“We host a lot of things that will make people conscious and aware of the little things they can do to make their lives a little healthier,” Senior Health Fitness Major and President of the Health and Wellness Club Gunnar Boettcher said.

Boettcher and other club members have been working on other activities and events to offer Gustavus students, but have yet to reveal them. One upcoming event currently in the works is a “female power hour” in the weight room.

“We are trying to get a female weight lifting hour because we recognize there is a big issue with females feeling uncomfortable going into the weight room. I’m a guy and I recognize both sides. Girls don’t want to go into the weight room because there is the football or hockey team in there, and it’s so small and cramped. We can’t officially kick guys out of the weight room if they want to come in at that hour, but we can promote women to come in together.” Boettcher said.

This is just a glance at a few things put on by the Health and Fitness Club. There are all sorts of fun in the aerobics room, fun in the swimming pool, and fun while staying fit is what the Health and Wellness club is all about. All Gustavus students should take a class, especially because they are free and taught by instructors that make it all the more comfortable and exciting.

-Jessica Yang

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