Senior Spotlight: Kendra Weege

This recurring segment will highlight a senior Gustavus athlete each week.

Q: What are your expectations for the season?

A: Going into this season my expectations, as well as the expectations of the other two seniors (Emily Gilman and Paige Breneman), were that we as a team would play this season with no regret. So far, being two-thirds done with the season it is easy to see that the best is yet to come. With the strong team bond that we have we will take each match played as an opportunity to conquer the opponent that we play.

Q: What is your best athletic memory?

A: Since I have been playing volleyball for over half of my life it is hard to pick a specific memory that trumps all others. However, I would have to say that this season of my Senior year has been one of the best ones yet. I am not alone when I say that this Gustavus Volleyball team is a family. That is why every win, loss, challenge and special event that we go through together are experiences that I will never forget.

Q: Why would you recommend Gustavus?

A: Coming from a transfer student’s perspective, I would recommend Gustavus to new students because of the incredible Gustavus community. A community that is bonded together by school pride and dedication to a valuable education. This type of atmosphere was lacking at my previous institution. Furthermore, knowing that the students here are dedicated to their studies and proud of the school that they attend makes the overall college experience extraordinary.