It’s time to get in shape for the beach

Zac_IsaakWhile most people enjoy the change in weather that the transition into spring brings, there are those who find this a stressful time because warm weather means more time spent at the beach, which means it’s time to get that “beach body.” For college students, this can be even more stressful because their schedules are so busy that exercising is their last concern.  There are many ways, however that you can get that beach body in time for Spring Break and summer vacation.

The first step towards getting that beach body is to make time in your schedule to work out. It’s easy to fall into the belief that you, “don’t have enough time” in your life to work out because of your schedule. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski  from the Mayo Clinic, most adults should get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week or 75  minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, along with strength training at least twice a week. Make time each day throughout the week, and you will find it very easy to complete at least 150 minutes of exercise a week.

The second step is to find exercises you enjoy doing. Not everybody likes to go to the weight room or run on the treadmill, and that’s fine. There are plenty of exercises you can do that will give you the same results. If you don’t like working out in public, you can always work out in the comfort of your dorm room. If you choose to work out in your dorm room, there are exercise programs, such as P90X.

If you don’t know how to design your own workout or you’re looking for something new, you can check out the different classes that are offered on campus. There are many student-led exercise programs available every week in Lund Center, and new members are welcome.

If you’re opposed to working out at Lund because you don’t like the weight room or the cardio room, then design an outdoor workout. Take advantage of the warm weather while you can and spend time outdoors. There are plenty of things to do outside, such as walking, running, biking, long-boarding, playing games against friends, etc. Another benefit to working out outside rather than in Lund is you can get a headstart on your summer tan.

If you are somebody who doesn’t want to work out alone, then find a friend or group of friends to work out with and it will help you stay on track and motivated. Working out with others who share similar goals can be a serious motivational boost and make your workouts a lot of fun. If your friend is more active than you, they can help you design a work out plan that will push you while keeping in mind your strengths and weaknesses. In general, there are many benefits to working out with someone, so consider finding a friend or a group of friends to work out with during the week.

Finally, the most important step in achieving that beach body is to have the mental toughness to get the job done. Achieving that beach body you can be proud of will be difficult and it’s up to you to work hard to be successful. It all starts with the right mindset, which is keeping a positive attitude and staying motivated to work out.

There will be days when you’ll be too tired from classes or sore from the last workout. While it is important to keep your physical health in mind, it’s also important to understand the difference between being injured and being sore. You also have to realize that you may not see results right away. Stay patient and positive and eventually the results will come.

All great things come with hard work, so work hard for that beach body and your hard work will show, especially when you’re at the beach on those sunny summer days.