Re: Relay for Life

In last week’s Gustavian Weekly, there was an article about Relay For Life with a pictureof a female student holding a sign that said, “I Relay To Save Boobs!” I thought a point had been made when another letter to The Weekly last year complained about breast cancer T-shirts being sold that said, “I Love Boobs!” and I Am We Are had a skit in the caf in response to the shirts. However, we have this picture turn up and another sign from earlier this school year by the back stairs in the Campus Center that said at the bottom,“Stand up to boob cancer!” (or something like that).

For something that’s as serious as cancer, can we ever say “breast cancer” instead of“boobs”, or realize that the person’s (yes fellow men, you can get it too!) life is far more important? Maybe I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill and any of you readers can tell me that, but if we want to raise money to help fight breast cancer, I feel like we lose credibility and gain immaturity when we keep referring to them as “boobs.” Saving specific body parts from cancer is certainly important, but Relay For Life shows us that we should be more concerned with saving lives.

Andrew Bryz-Gornia, ‘11