Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

I was originally angry when I read The Weekly’s February 26 article about Case Day. Then I read the Mar. 5 clarification and thought that The Weekly might have a good point about the need to expose the binge drinking issues on campus.

However, I reread the original article and realized that it is nothing but an unabashed glorification of college alcoholism in its finest form. With Case Day’s notoriety and this year’s semi-fluorescent t-shirts, The Weekly only exposed this phenomenon to our brightest prospective students and their parents, whom I do not think we should remind that they may pay 1/7 of $1 million to send their children to Gustavus with a major in alcoholism.

The next time The Weekly plans to run an “exposé” on the drinking problem at Gustavus, it should look more like a critical examination of the real causes and consequences of drinking and alcoholism (can I define “exposé” in a more obvious way?), not an obviously half-witted attempt to inject drunken humor onto the front page.

Scott Simpkins ‘10