Bias Incident

On Thursday, September 17, a bias incident was reported to Campus Safety. A male walked by the Diversity Center and uttered a racist remark. If you have any information that would lead to the identification of this individual, please contact Campus Safety or the Dean of Students Office.

It is unclear whether this hurtful act was directed at the Diversity Center or at the individuals who were present in the office that day. What is clear is that such a hateful act is an attack on the entire Gustavus community.

Gustavus at its best is a place of discourse, where individuals are free to express differing points of view in an atmosphere of civility and trust. Gustavus at its worst is an intolerant place, a place where hateful words are whispered or shouted. It is awful when the latter occurs, and we are all diminished in its wake.
Hate has no place here.

To the students and staff of the Diversity Center, you have my support and the support of the Gustavus community. And to the staff and students who witnessed this intolerance, I am deeply sorry that such an incident occurred here.

Jeff Stocco
Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs