Family Weekend concert showcasing five music groups

Many areas of the Music Department have been working hard to be ready for their first performances on Sunday as a part of Family Weekend. The Christ Chapel Choir and Handbells will be performing at the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service. Following the service, there is an 11:00 a.m. brunch where the Jazz Band will be playing. The multi-ensemble concert kicks off at 2:00 p.m. in … Continue reading Family Weekend concert showcasing five music groups

Gustie of the week: Heather Paaverud

If you are an early riser and enjoy working out just as the sun begins to appear, you will most likely run into Sophomore English Major Heather Paaverud working out with her fellow Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) members. Although Heather originally hails from Shakopee, MN, she now spends the majority of her time on the Gustavus campus, making the most of her experience both … Continue reading Gustie of the week: Heather Paaverud

Theatre and Dance preview…

…a glimpse into the spotlight Poignant movements, brutally honest, creative thinking and diverse genres are a glimpse of what is coming to the Gustavus Adolphus College stage. The start of the Theatre and Dance department’s season is in full swing as plays are being cast, scenes are beginning to be read through and choreography is coming together. Nobel Chapel Performance The first performance to take … Continue reading Theatre and Dance preview…

Raising the B.A.R.

Showcasing Gustie talent from music to spoken word The Musical B.A.R. kicks off the new year with Open B.A.R. at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29 in the Dive with two hours of performances ranging from guitar players, small bands and individual performances, to poetry and spoken word. The types of music range from bluegrass and acoustic to rock bands and originals. “The first Open B.A.R. … Continue reading Raising the B.A.R.

Mumford got me Babel’n

This fall hosts a slew of long-awaited album releases with the British folk-rock quartet Mumford & Sons topping the list. Everyone from hip-hop king Kanye West, to longtime rockers No Doubt and Green Day, to alternative’s lovable Killers have dropped records in the past two weeks. But all these releases have been trumped by Mumford’s sophomore album, Babel. The English folk-rock boys have done it … Continue reading Mumford got me Babel’n

Down came the rain and washed the Spider out?

The Amazing Spiderman is a fresh take on the time-honored franchise, but it never quite reaches the level of charm of the last rendition. The movie begins with the mysterious disappearance of Peter Parker’s parents. In a very Harry Potteresque presentation, he is brought to live with his aunt and uncle as mystical music plays in the background. A brisk transition to Parker’s teenage years … Continue reading Down came the rain and washed the Spider out?

Gustie of the Week: Muresuk Mena

Perhaps one of the best indicators of a true Gustie is their involvement at Gustavus beyond academics. Such is true with Senior Biology major Muresuk Mena. Whether he’s on the football field or in the classroom, Muresuk puts all of his energy into excelling at whatever he does. “Suke’s determination and passion for the things he admires is unbelievable,” Junior Adwoa Afreh said. Originally from … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Muresuk Mena

An album to help you feel Away from the World

For those longtime lovers of Dave Matthews Band still reeling in the rougher, grittier vibe of the last few years, their most recently released album Away from the World comes as a breath of fresh air. Reminiscent of their more lyrically intimate beginnings, this album delivers on the kind of unbuttoned crooning, thoughtful guitar strumming, violin humming magic that made us fall in love at … Continue reading An album to help you feel Away from the World

Students and faculty launch new Spanish online journal…

…El Tintero In an effort to create a more public forum for students studying Spanish at Gustavus to publish and share their creative works, students and faculty have teamed up to launch a new film and cinema online journal called El Tintero (The Inkwell). The site was launched this fall and currently includes poetry, creative writing, and cinematography created by students from past Spanish literature … Continue reading Students and faculty launch new Spanish online journal…