Adjustment Bureau: Adjust your plans

This weekend’s on-campus movie is The Adjustment Bureau. It will be shown in the Wallenburg Auditorium on Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. as well as Sunday, May 8 at 2:00 p.m. If you’re thinking about going to The Adjustment Bureau, maybe consider adjusting your path.

The film stars Matt Damon as a hopeful politician running for U.S. Senate, David Norris, and Emily Blunt as his flexible dancer ladylove, Elise Sellas. The two meet and hit it off instantly, and their lives are changed forever. Apparently they were only ever supposed to meet once in their lives, and never see each other again. Like ships passing in the night, or some other cliché.

Of course, they do happen to meet again, as a member of the Adjustment Bureau misses his appointment to separate the two, and from then on the higher-ups of the bureau have to intervene.

Just what is this Adjustment Bureau, you may ask? It’s a super secret group of sharply dressed men who are in charge of everyone’s life plan. They have magic books that track people’s decisions and actions, and they intervene when things don’t go according to plan. According to them, David and Elise are not meant to be together. Elise will ruin his chances of changing the world when he becomes the president in the future. Unfortunately for the bureau, the two lovers think differently.

This movie had a lot of potential to be really cool. With special effects and a thought-provoking plot about fate and what or who really controls life, this movie could have gone a lot of places. The special effects that are used are good and quite visually pleasing. And when the script tries to address the tough questions about fate and destiny, it does a good job. This movie seemed to ride in this year on the coattails of mind-blowing movies like Inception, but was unable to hold up against its competitors.

What it really winds up focusing on is the love story, and not much else. Boy meets girl. Girl and boy fall in love. An obstacle tries to ruin their love. Boy and girl try to overcome said obstacle.

If you’re a fan of Matt Damon movies in which Matt Damon spends most of his time running through crazy city settings (read: all Matt Damon movies) then you’ll probably like this. But even his biggest fans were disappointed. “Just the other day, Matt Damon—I love Matt Damon, love the guy—Matt Damon said he was disappointed in my performance,” President of the United States Barack Obama said at the Correspondence Dinner. His response? “Well, Matt, I just saw The Adjustment Bureau, so … right back ‘atcha, buddy.”

If you’re looking for a thought provoking plotline with twists and turns, maybe you’ll like parts of this movie. If you’re looking for a love story, you’ll certainly like it. It’s a great date movie. But that’s about it. I give this movie 2 out of 5 stars.

2 thoughts on “Adjustment Bureau: Adjust your plans

  1. With the technology used in this film which was admitted by the director where the real dancer double had Emily Blunt’s face digitally pasted on hers, there’s no telling what Emily Blunt can really do or how flexible she really is. I think this technology is unfair for both the real actress and the double. Other than that, Blunt did a fine job and I enjoyed the film.

  2. I liked this movie.”Adjustment Bureau” i like how the story ended. It just proves that you can always choose your own destiny.

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