Habitat for Humanity announces fall trip

Habitat for Humanity is an international organization with chapters all over the world, and we are very lucky to have one of our very own here at Gustavus. This organization provides affordable housing with “sweat equity”, Senior Kaitlyn Peroutka, Co-President of the Gustavus chapter said. Habitat for Humanity helps in-need families work together with volunteers to build affordable and adequate housing. Peroutka emphasizes that they … Continue reading Habitat for Humanity announces fall trip

Gustavus hosts a capella group Six Appeal

Music has “a huge role in everyone’s lives. It connects us all,” choir member and Sophomore George Stein said. Music fans will be delighted to hear the musical stylings of the band Six Appeal when they perform during family weekend. The acapella group from Minneapolis is made up of six men, and started in 2006 as a college group at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. … Continue reading Gustavus hosts a capella group Six Appeal

Gustie of the Week – Trina Rinke

Trina Rinke originally chose to attend Gustavus after visiting the college many times to watch her older siblings play sports. By the time it came to make her own college decision, there was no question. Trina had already fallen in love with Gustavus. “I was hooked before I even started any college visits,” Trina said. A member of the women’s soccer team, Trina was looking … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Trina Rinke

Managing Mindfulness and Stress on Campus

It’s no secret college can be stressful, however, when that stress becomes too much, Gustavus has options to help. Students in need of immediate help are encouraged to utilize the Counseling Center and the Learn to Live services online. Suffering from a mental health disorder is something students do not have to face alone. There are services available on campus, open to anyone, which seek … Continue reading Managing Mindfulness and Stress on Campus

Fall-ing for Fun Fall Activities

Fall is the most wonderful time of year. Time for apple picking, Hocus Pocus watching, leaves falling and pumpkin everything. Even though it hasn’t exactly felt like fall lately with the heat advisory and weird summer weather, it is officially fall. After all, what other season leads into so many great times of the year including, but not limited to, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. So … Continue reading Fall-ing for Fun Fall Activities

The Nobel Concert: A Finer Side of Science

Anticipation is in the air as the 53 Annual Nobel Conference is only days away. This year’s Conference “Reproductive Technology: How Far Do We Go?” will focus on the scientific, social, and ethical questions of reproductive technology. One event exploring these questions is the free Nobel Concert at 8 p.m. on October 3 in Bjorling Recital Hall. This concert will feature three works which span … Continue reading The Nobel Concert: A Finer Side of Science

Gustie of the Week – Daniel Barnes

Funny, caring, and dedicated; the words that junior, Daniel Barnes’ closest friends would use to describe him. Daniel spent most of his upbringing in Lund, Sweden, however, as an eighth grader, he moved to Shanghai, China with his family for two years. He returned to Sweden and remained there until graduation. After graduation, he traveled 4,330 miles and ended up here at Gustavus after discovering … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Daniel Barnes

Your Gustie Guide to Homecoming 2017

It is finally time for the annual Great Gustie Gathering. Many Gusties will be returning back home to St. Peter with their fellow alumni, families, current students, and Gustavus community for Homecoming. This Saturday will be jam-packed with exciting events from start to finish. “We’re thrilled to roll out a new structure for homecoming that gives alumni opportunities to connect with students, one another, and … Continue reading Your Gustie Guide to Homecoming 2017

Tune into the Fall 2017 Colloquium Series

Every semester, the Gustavus Music Department hosts Colloquium Series, a number of on-campus musical events that are open to the public. The music performed includes, “vocal music, instrumental music, jazz, popular music—there’s a different topic every week”, Director of the Gustavus Wind Orchestra Dr. James Miller said. Dr. Esther Wang, who organized this year’s event, describes the Colloquium Series as “a series of events that … Continue reading Tune into the Fall 2017 Colloquium Series

Chapel to host Friday Music Showcases

It is a Friday morning on the Gustavus campus. The chapel bells begin to chime out at 9:50 as they do every morning, but on Fridays things are different‒starting this year, chapel services at the end of the week focus around music rather than the typical worship service. In recent weeks, students filled the plaza during chapel to listen to the Floodplain Four. The group … Continue reading Chapel to host Friday Music Showcases