Bards in the Arb: Taylor Johnson

Michaela Woodward – Staff Writer The inaugural Bards in the Arb event of this school year will feature poet Taylor Johnson from Washington DC and his debut book of poetry, Inheritance. In addition to being published in several magazines such as Poetry Magazine and The Paris Review, Johnson is the winner of the 2021 Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America … Continue reading Bards in the Arb: Taylor Johnson

The Day Course: Using real-life materials to help foster self-reflection

Leah Thompson – Staff Writer Nobel Conference 58 happened on Wednesday, Sept. 28, and Thursday, Sept. 29, and focused on “mental health disparities and their effects on youth, with a particular emphasis on the significance of identity, trauma and technology.” This Nobel was broken into four different sessions, each exploring different topics related to mental health inequities and young people.  During the conference multiple workshops … Continue reading The Day Course: Using real-life materials to help foster self-reflection

Gusties of the Week: Bella Nduwayezu

Kaitlyn Doolittle – Staff Writer The beginning of Senior Bella Nduwayezu’s journey at Gustavus was not always smooth sailing. But with perseverance and determination to find her place on the hill, Nduwayezu was able to make the most of her time in the Gustavus community.  “I challenged myself to get out of my comfort zone. I got involved and took leadership positions in student organizations, … Continue reading Gusties of the Week: Bella Nduwayezu

Students take the stage in Resonance

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer This year’s Nobel Conference met head-on the issues of mental health inequity and young people. There were multiple distinguished speakers, Q&A panels, and lectures filled with relevant and crucial content about mental health. Alongside these fundamental events of the conference, there was a different kind of intellectual opportunity for students–the Nobel Concert, composed of songs, dances, and poems which expressed, … Continue reading Students take the stage in Resonance

OLAS celebrates national Hispanic Heritage Month

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer OLAS (the Organization for Latin American and Spanish cultures) is a meaningful organization here at Gustavus for many Gusties. OLAS members host many events throughout the year. Senior Ana Martinez Magana is Co-President of OLAS and she shared how the org will be celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, which takes place every year from Sept 15 to Oct 15. They … Continue reading OLAS celebrates national Hispanic Heritage Month

A new grassroots campus community

Michaela Woodward – Staff Writer Gustavus Junior Andrew Mendez and Sophomore Elizabeth Klebs have started an initiative to create a campus community geared toward sexual assault prevention and education. Flyers distributed during the involvement fair last Tuesday call it “A new grassroots campus community initiative to prevent sexual assault”. The flyer goes on to describe the intent of the group: “We want to cultivate a … Continue reading A new grassroots campus community

Gusties shine in local band

Michaela Woodward – Staff Writer Gustavus Senior Joseph Weckwerth has seen his band, Let’s Be Kids, through many phases as far back as middle school.  The three-piece band has its roots in the classic rock cover band Weckwerth started in seventh grade, a time where students are beginning to pick up instruments and getting started with music. Weckwerth and Let’s Be Kids’ bassist, Jonathan Kraemer, … Continue reading Gusties shine in local band

Gustie of the Week: Eric Johnson

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer This week’s Gustie of the Week is known for his enthusiasm, energy, dedication to his passions, and his wide array of talents. He is a part of the Gustavus choir, sings in G-sharp (an independent singing group on campus), works as a tutor in the Philosophy department, and leads worship for the Chaplain’s Office. Senior Eric Johnson is a proud … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Eric Johnson

Welcoming back a friendly face

Leah Thompson – Staff Writer The recent departure of the previous Chapel Choir director allowed Gustavus to welcome a familiar face back to campus: Professor Samuel Grace. Grace is the new Chapel Choir Director and is calling Gustavus home again after graduating in 2011. Throughout the past ten years Grace has continued his education, obtaining his Master’s degree from the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, … Continue reading Welcoming back a friendly face

Tragedy: Holding Auditions

Emma – Staff Writer This Friday and Saturday, September 9 and 10, auditions for TRAGEDY: A Tragedy will take place in the Rob and Judy Gardner Theater here on campus. Students who are interested in auditioning must sign up and prepare a 45-50 second monologue to perform for the play’s director, Professor Henry MacCarthy. “Everybody’s welcome to audition, regardless of major, class standing, experience… [etc],” … Continue reading Tragedy: Holding Auditions