Philharmonic Orchestra performs in a weekend full of music

Music is an art form that many people enjoy, and they have done so for centuries. Gustavus Adolphus College upholds this tradition, and this year’s Gustavus Philharmonic Orchestra Fall Concert on Friday, Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bjorling Recital Hall is one way to share in that tradition. “[Attending the fall concert] is a good way to support your peers and listen to … Continue reading Philharmonic Orchestra performs in a weekend full of music

Adam Toppin: Taking Gustavus’ core values to heart

Co-President of the Campus Activities Board (CAB) Executive Board and Senior Management Major Adam Toppin has had a good run at Gustavus Adolphus College. He is an extremely dedicated and committed member of the Gustavus community. In addition to his work on CAB, he also is the Student Activities Intern, and he is devoted to the Leadership Development Program on campus. “I’m really glad he … Continue reading Adam Toppin: Taking Gustavus’ core values to heart

Dancing with the Profs: A new year brings a new show

On Saturday, Nov. 7, students, faculty and staff alike will have the opportunity to see their colleagues compete in “Dancing with the Profs.” The annual dance competition favorite is a fundraiser started by alumnus and former CAB member Mike Marcotte. Its fourth annual show will take place in Alumni Hall at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $2, and all the proceeds from the event will go … Continue reading Dancing with the Profs: A new year brings a new show

Time to chill out at the wellness fair

For the past nine years, the banquet rooms of the C. Charles Jackson Campus Center have been filled with dozens of vendors from both the St. Peter and Gustavus community. These people all come together to put on the annual Gustavus Chill Out and Wellness Fair, which is sponsored by the Center for Vocational Reflection (CVR). “The Chill Out is probably my favorite event that … Continue reading Time to chill out at the wellness fair

Award-winning artist Liz Miller lecture and demonstration

A lecture will be given today by the visiting artist Liz Miller. The lecture will be held in room 105 in the Fine Arts building from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Miller is an award winning artist and an art professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato who will be sharing her process for creating art and what influences her work. “My recent work is primarily large-scale … Continue reading Award-winning artist Liz Miller lecture and demonstration

District 9: Not to be underestimated

It’s the first full week back from Fall Break, and there’s no holiday where everyone is allowed to dress up in ridiculous outfits which will forever be remembered in the annals of Facebook photos. What, then, is there to do on a weekend night here at Gustavus? District 9 is the movie showing on campus this weekend, and I would highly recommend you check it … Continue reading District 9: Not to be underestimated

Adam Strand: Involvement at its finest

His involvement on campus ranges from the Peer Assistants to the Sauna Society. He is well-versed in the customs and traditions here at Gustavus and has participated in several study abroad programs and choir trips. Adam Strand embodies the active Gustavus lifestyle. The senior biology major and music minor was born and raised in Sioux Falls, SD, along with his two brothers, one of whom … Continue reading Adam Strand: Involvement at its finest

Harry Potter and the hormone-driven plot

In the most recent installment of the series of films based on the popular novels by J.K. Rowling, the kids are growing up. It’s the sixth year at Hogwarts for the trio of magicians that we all know and love. Voldemort is back and, naturally, looking to kill Harry. Malfoy is in cahoots with the Deatheaters, secretly training on his own in order to complete … Continue reading Harry Potter and the hormone-driven plot

Gustavus theatre season opens with unique shows

The Gustavus Theatre and Dance Department will present its first show of the 2009-2010 season with a collection of three plays: Caryl Churchill’s Far Away and Seven Jewish Children, and Deb Margolin’s Seven Palestinian Children. Directed by Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance Amy Seham, these collected plays are different than any other performed at Gustavus. These plays are very thought-provoking and theatrical. Caryl Churchill … Continue reading Gustavus theatre season opens with unique shows