The Social Network: Poking around the truth about Facebook

Status update: Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, at 26  years old, is the youngest billionaire ever and worth around $6 billion. Zuckerberg created “The Facebook” as an undergrad in his Harvard dorm room with a little help from his two computer programming roommates and a business plan and financial support from his other roommate, Brazilian Eduardo Saverin. Saverin, along with the memorable, suave, Harvard rowing crewmembers … Continue reading The Social Network: Poking around the truth about Facebook

Logan Arndt: The musician… the man

Senior Music Major Logan Arndt is known on campus for his involvement in the orchestra, band and woodwind quintet. Often he can be found at the Greens House, where he resides, or at the Swedish House, where he soaks up the Scandinavian culture. When he is hungry, he can be found at the Market Place enjoying his favorite dessert, Yum Yum Bars, or back at … Continue reading Logan Arndt: The musician… the man

‘07 Gustie grad Brian Evans receives SAGE Award for “Outstanding Performer”

In 2003, Brian Evans came to Gustavus Adolphus College, as he puts it, “a non-dancing social justice college football player.” Now he is a professional dancer for the Stuart Pimsler Dance Company, and on Sept. 14 of this year Evans was awarded the “Outstanding Performer” SAGE award. SAGE awards give recognition to achievements in the Minnesota dance community. It was through a series of opportunities, … Continue reading ‘07 Gustie grad Brian Evans receives SAGE Award for “Outstanding Performer”

Clay Center provides art opportunities for both St. Peter and Gustavus community

Fitting a studio art course into a typical academic schedule can be troubling for many Gusties. Fortunately, students with an interest in clay and ceramics may have more opportunities to practice this medium than they realize. The Clay Center, a branch of the Arts Center of St. Peter, offers a variety of one-time and weekly programs for any interested individuals in the community. Located near … Continue reading Clay Center provides art opportunities for both St. Peter and Gustavus community

There’s something about Mary…

Whether it’s working at a summer camp on Long Island or lying on the lawn closest to the library in front of the chapel, Junior History Major Mary Dierkes can frequently be found enjoying the open air. This Eagan, Minn. native keeps it no secret that she loves being outdoors. Mary was born in Kansas, Mo. and moved to Minnesota with her family when she … Continue reading There’s something about Mary…

Family Weekend music preview

It is that time of year again: Family Weekend is here. There are numerous events planned out for Gusties and their families. One traditional event is the concert in Christ Chapel. This year it will be held on Oct. 10 at 3:00 p.m. The Gustavus Choir, Gustavus and Vasa Wind Orchestras, the Gustavus Symphony Orchestra and the Lucia Singers will all be performing. Altogether, there … Continue reading Family Weekend music preview

Get Him to the Greek: When life slips you a Jeffrey…

Get Him to the Greek, released this summer, came out on DVD this week. This movie had me rubbing furry walls, jumping off of roofs into nearby pools and singing “I’ve got the clap” while still maintaining self respect, albeit debatably. In all seriousness, Get Him to the Greek was arguably the comedy of the summer. It had its fair share of raunchy jokes, token … Continue reading Get Him to the Greek: When life slips you a Jeffrey…

Griffin Hinwood — Off the wall (and any other surface you can think of)

This small town native has nowhere near a small imagination. Born and brought up for half his life in Canada, Junior Computer Science Major Griffin Hinwood is as well-rounded as they come. “Griffin is an incredibly unique individual who carries his independent style and thoughts throughout everything he does, whether it is Parkour, break dancing or simple day-to-day activities,” Junior Ben Bickel said. Griffin moved … Continue reading Griffin Hinwood — Off the wall (and any other surface you can think of)

Every story has a backstory, even among the wicked

We all are familiar with The Wizard of Oz. Young Dorothy is carried off by a tornado to the magical land of Oz. Innocently, Dorothy’s house lands on top of the sister of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West.Glinda the Good bestows the sister’s head-turning ruby slippers to Dorothy. Due to Dorothy’s ill-timed landing, her journey to find a way back home is haunted … Continue reading Every story has a backstory, even among the wicked