What’s the real cost of driving?

Hailey Brune – Opinion Columnist I come from a small town, so when I was a freshman looking at colleges I learned about parking fees. My first thought was, “My tuition doesn’t pay for my car to sit here during the school year?” Then I visited Hamline in Minneapolis and found out their fee was around $350-$400 a semester to park. That really blew me away. … Continue reading What’s the real cost of driving?

The tragedy of the trash chutes

Jonas Doerr – Opinion Columnist Back in the day they really let things slide at Gustavus. Or, at least, they let garbage slide down the trash chutes. In many buildings, including Uhler, Complex, and Co-Ed, there still remain chutes that people once could toss their trash bags down. Now, however, those chutes are closed and boarded up with foreboding paper signs. The ease! The convenience! The … Continue reading The tragedy of the trash chutes

Binge-Watching makes bad TV

David Eide – Opinion Columnist Streaming has become the most common way that our generation consumes television, whether it be Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime. For the most part, the switch to streaming has been good, people are now able to view the backlog of a show without having to wait for reruns or spend money on DVD sets. However, I believe there is a downside … Continue reading Binge-Watching makes bad TV

Minimum wage isn’t very progressive

Hailey Brune – Opinion Columnist We present ourselves as a progressive campus, but are we actually? There are probably a few things that come to mind when you catch a whiff of this suggestion at Gustavus. One thing that’s always stuck out to me is the wages. We get paid $10.08 for most campus and work study jobs, with the minimum wage in Minnesota currently being … Continue reading Minimum wage isn’t very progressive

We have the right to read

David Eide – Opinion Columnist Beloved by Toni Morrison has been in the news lately, unfortunately, not for any reasons relating to the quality of the work. Instead, Beloved is in the news because Glenn Youngkin, the Republican governor-elect of Virginia, has utilized it in his attacks on Virginia’s educational system which includes the book in its curriculum. According to CBS, an ad by the Youngkin campaign … Continue reading We have the right to read

Everyone likes a murder mystery

Hailey Brune – Opinion Columnist When I was younger, I did a lot of reading. My selection was a bit limited, but I have read some decent thrillers and murder mysteries. A good thriller or suspense story has to have some surprises. The most satisfying types of stories are ones where you don’t know what will happen next. In honor of spooky season, I will … Continue reading Everyone likes a murder mystery

A definitive ranking of the Twilight film franchise

Clare Greeman – Twilight Expert I’ve fended off tons of requests to write this article at this point so I’ve finally caved… Gusties, your definitive ranking of the Twilight franchise has arrived. And no need to worry, I’m a Twilight veteran. I won’t expound on my title since I don’t like to brag, but I was at the premiere of Eclipse and a decade later I … Continue reading A definitive ranking of the Twilight film franchise

The very real, very scary reason I haven’t been writing articles

Tori Smith – Opinion Columnist Oh, wow. I’ve been told it’s been almost a month since I’ve written an article for The Weekly. That’s strange, I don’t remember missing my deadlines. And it’s almost Halloween? I could have sworn the Nobel Conference was coming up. How could that be? I’m not sure what happened. My memories are foggy. I don’t remember this much time passing. Let … Continue reading The very real, very scary reason I haven’t been writing articles

My first “horror movie”

Tegan Hirman – Staff Writer Anyone who knows me knows that I love horror movies. Other classics like Halloween and The Exorcist, children’s Halloween movies like HalloweenTown, Twitches, and Monster House, even newer horror movies like The Invisible Man, Hush, and The Conjuring. I like all of these films, and each and every one of them holds a dear place in my heart. Especially Halloweentown. However, … Continue reading My first “horror movie”