Showdown: High School Musical vs Camp Rock

Sophia White- An important question that has begged for an answer since the dawn of time is “Which defining nostalgic movie series of the early 2000s is superior to the other: Camp Rock or High School Musical?” To clarify, this article will be the opinions of the writer. One extremely integral element of these two movies is the music. Everything is cheesy and cliche – … Continue reading Showdown: High School Musical vs Camp Rock

To slay studying- the most daring quest of all

Welcome, ye weary traveler. Although your travel has been long and arduous, it only now begins. Through these next few weeks, your first step into the adventure of college will begin. You’ll no doubt meet a variety of people, learn wondrous things, and see acronyms no one’s mind would ever dare to dream up. But, as the semester kicks into high gear and as the … Continue reading To slay studying- the most daring quest of all

Finals fright – how to lessen the tension and relax

Houston McLaury – Opinion Columnist With the end of the year coming to a close at hand and finals just around the corner, the campus is abuzz with anxiety, stress, and tension. From ConVick to Beck Hall, the entire campus is alight with students setting their brains to the grindstone in preparation for this rough and final few days of classes. And while studying is … Continue reading Finals fright – how to lessen the tension and relax