Re: In which our hero voices an unpopular opinion

I write in response to Mr. Lundborg’s recent commentary on the Fair Trade industry. I would agree that FT is not without its problems. It might not bring great economic success to developing countries, and I would applaud an effective plan to work with these countries in solidarity for a more just economic order. However, particularly looking at the chocolate industry, I would not so … Continue reading Re: In which our hero voices an unpopular opinion

Can We Be Good Without God?

The May 15 debate, “Can We Be Good Without God?” will consider the origin of human morality, particularly, is God and God’s Word the sole source for our understanding of good and evil? If not, where can we account for our shared human morality? If there is no God, would there be goodness? The event will be a formal debate between Christian apologist, and Southwest … Continue reading Can We Be Good Without God?

Support victims of assaults

The events of the last two weeks have led the students of this rural, collegiate community to believe we are no longer immune to the outside world of violence. Although these acts were frightening, it was calming to hear the President, Ray Thrower and the St. Peter Police Department state how rare these occurrences were. In fact, assaults on campus have not happened for over … Continue reading Support victims of assaults

T-shirts and working conditions

The next time you wash all those T-shirts that have accumulated from various campus events and organizations, take a quick look at the tag. Which company made them?  Where? Most of mine say “Gildan” and are made in Honduras, Haiti or Nicaragua. Gildan is a Canadian company that produces a large volume of the t-shirts we buy. They work very hard to look like supporters … Continue reading T-shirts and working conditions

Re: Abolish sex on campus

I would like to respond to the “work of satire” written by Paul Huff in last week’s Weekly. Regardless of whether or not Mr. Huff, from the outset, categorizes the content of his column as “satire” or warns that we should not “take it literally or personally,” it does not magically protect the commentary from being offensive to the party it is clearly meant to … Continue reading Re: Abolish sex on campus

Re: Student Senate Co-Presidential election underway

In a story like this I believe it is very important to keep things as balanced as possible. While I recognize that Jen Fox is studying abroad, she and Nick Prince definitely got a lot less coverage than their opponents in this article. Perhaps you might have interviewed one of Jen’s friends or professors, or asked her some questions via e-mail. Which pair of running … Continue reading Re: Student Senate Co-Presidential election underway

Weapons on campus

The college campus shouldn’t be a place where holders of state-issued carry permits should have to feel like their safety and well-being are at risk; instead, these persons ought to be allowed the same measure of personal protection on college campuses that they practice virtually everywhere else. Since the mission of the Department of Campus Safety at Gustavus “is to provide the safest environment possible … Continue reading Weapons on campus