Letter to the Editor (9/13/2013)

I am not trying to criticize anyone in the Gustavus community because we are all here to learn, and there are different understandings of what being an educated and well-rounded person means to different people. However, I think the Gustavus community is lacking something that is necessary for interacting with today’s more diverse world. People in your future workplace or neighborhood might be from different … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (9/13/2013)

Letter to the Editor (4/10/13)

I was surprised to read Ryan Liebl’s assertion that Western nations have devel- oped criminal justice systems through scientific reasoning, especially after the Building Bridges conference which dealt with this topic. The U.S. prison system, which overcrowds inmates, encourages rape, and disproportionately affects minorities is built around retributive justice and maximizing profit, not rehabilitation. The ineffectiveness of this system is evidenced by our very high … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (4/10/13)

Letter to the Editor (4/26/13)

I’m sure that almost everyone has seen the flyers around campus featuring students of the Gustavus Secular Student Alliance voicing their reasons for being atheists. Some of the quotes include “I am an atheist because religious dogma is poisoning public discourse” and “I am an atheist because I believe in living a life without fear.” The intention of the flyers as I understand it is … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (4/26/13)

Letter to the Editor (4/26/13)

I had the privilege of attending this year’s Relay for Life event on April 19th at Gustavus Adolphus College. My son Matt was honored to be your student speaker this year. Matt was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia during his senior year of high school in February, 2009, and just finished up his last chemotherapy in August, 2012. Currently he is in remission. This is … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (4/26/13)

Letter to the Editor (4/19/13)

I found it ironic that in Kelsey Hering’s article about the laudable push towards gender-neutral housing at Gustavus, she reinforces stereotypes about both men and women. In the article’s sidebar, Hering lists one of the disadvantages of gender-neutral housing; “Men and women usually stand on the opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of cleanliness.” This single sentence sends the message that we should expect … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (4/19/13)

Letter to the Editor (3/22/13)

I found it ironic that in Kelsey Hering’s article about the laudable push towards gender-neutral housing at Gustavus, she reinforces stereotypes about both men and women. In the article’s sidebar, Hering lists one of the disadvantages of gender-neutral housing; “Men and women usually stand on the opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of cleanliness”. This single sentence sends the message that we should expect … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (3/22/13)