Racial Comment near Diversity Center

On Thursday, September 17th, I was saddened about the news that a male student walked by the Diversity Center and shouted the word “Nigger”! Although I was not the person who uttered the word, I want to apologize to the students who were sitting in our office at that moment for the behavior of a single ignorant individual. I also want to apologize to our … Continue reading Racial Comment near Diversity Center

Re: Sohre and Pittman renovated

After reading last week’s article about the renovations about the renovations Sohre and Pittman have undergone I must admit that I found myself feeling acutely disappointed. No, it wasn’t the way it was written, or the fact that our first-year dorms now have carpeting and fancy elevators. All of those things are great. What disappointed me so was that although Physical Plant managers were interviewed … Continue reading Re: Sohre and Pittman renovated