BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

The annual underground student event known as Case Day has come and gone once again, leaving a wake of headaches and empty cans. Last Saturday, some students awoke to meet a challenge—to drink 24 beers in a day, regardless of the legal drinking age. This event has been a thorn in the side of campus and community officials for years, but students continue to participate. … Continue reading BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Required (Leisure) Reading

Remember when? Waaaaay back in January. Probably December, even? When you promised yourself that you would be a better person this year? Yep. You said you were going to be good to yourself—challenge body, mind and soul. You were going to read books outside of the required reading for class. You know you were. Or you wanted to. But now the semester has started and … Continue reading Required (Leisure) Reading

Where in the World… are you living next year?

Arbor View Arbor View Apartments house 59 students in apartment-style living. Each apartment contains a living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room, and kitchen. The apartments are furnished with a sofa, chairs, dining room table, and a bed, dresser, desk, and desk chair for each occupant. There is no computer lab. Prairie View Prairie View Hall is the smallest residence hall on campus … Continue reading Where in the World… are you living next year?

Christmas in Christ Chapel: a liturgy of letters and carols

Last week was host to one of Gustavus’ finest traditions—Christmas in Christ Chapel. This year’s service was centered around various letters reflecting on the importance of Christmas. Members of the Gustavus community read letters from the likes of Garrison Keillor, Joyce Sutphen, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, various prophets and apostles. Gustavus Choir, Choir of Christ Chapel, Lucia Singers, the Gustavus Symphony Orchestra and the Christ Chapel Ringers … Continue reading Christmas in Christ Chapel: a liturgy of letters and carols

Bringing back the essay

The term non-fiction may seem scary to many—but throw the word creative in front of it, and there’s a whole new world of literature available for reading pleasure. Personal essays aren’t just dry, boring pieces of academic writing, but they look into the lives and existences of others. The following books were read in ENG 256-002 (Creative Non-Fiction) and reviewed for your pleasure. Check them … Continue reading Bringing back the essay