Blast From the Past: A look at pop culture, politics, and Gustavus news from 10 years ago

While friends are posting throwback pictures, reminiscing on the past, we sometimes forget how fast time goes. In 2004, most current college students were in the prime of elementary school, sometimes unaware of the world around them. For example, while most elementary schoolers were learning ABCs and the layers of the Earth’s crust, Facebook was being launched at Harvard University and the Summer Olympics were … Continue reading Blast From the Past: A look at pop culture, politics, and Gustavus news from 10 years ago

The Do’s and Don’ts of a Gustie Halloween

When the ghosts and goblins come out on Halloween, it’s time to put on your costume and prepare for a night of sweets and screams. On a normal weekend on campus, there always seems to be something to do or an event to go to. Halloween is no exception. For example, Residential Life will be hosting a Haunted Basement tour in Co-ed, while Epsilon Pi … Continue reading The Do’s and Don’ts of a Gustie Halloween

What should you do this Fall: Fall-themed activities within an hour drive of campus.

  Sweater weather is upon us. It’s the time of year for haunted houses, apple picking, watching leaves turn colors, dropping to the ground, and jumping into giant leaf piles (5). There are also plenty of attractions around Southern Minnesota to entertain yourself with. Go get scared through the Haunted Mazes at ValleyScare in Shakopee (3) or check out the fall landscape at Minneopa State Park … Continue reading What should you do this Fall: Fall-themed activities within an hour drive of campus.

Gustavus Alumni: Where are they now?

Students and alumni often say that Gustavus will always have a special place in their heart. Usually, it’s four years that people remember for the rest of their lives because of the friends they’ve met, professors that have taught life lessons, involvement in activities, and being immersed in the Gustavus culture. After graduation, most Gusties will go their separate ways, to attend grad school, find … Continue reading Gustavus Alumni: Where are they now?

The Nobel Conference: 50 Years of History and Counting

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Nobel Conference started in 1965 as a way to create a series of symposiums that promoted the College’s Swedish roots. In 1963, Alfred Nobel Memorial Hall of Science was dedicated in honor of the Swedish chemist who gave his fortune to reward extraordinary people in the areas of physics, medicine, literature, peace, and chemistry. During the dedication, Nobel Laureates and … Continue reading The Nobel Conference: 50 Years of History and Counting

Get Your Gustie On At Homecoming

The week of homecoming at Gustavus is jam-packed with traditional events that allow students to come together as a college and show their school spirit. In honor of the new president, the inauguration of President Rebecca Bergman will also take place during homecoming this year. Campus will be occupied with current students, prospective students, families, administrators, and alumni, all coming together to welcome President Bergman, … Continue reading Get Your Gustie On At Homecoming

Gustavus Greeks

Though it has had some ups and downs throughout the years, the Greek system at Gustavus has made an impact on the campus and those involved with it. In the early 1900s, fraternities were known as debate societies and sororities were called literary societies. They focused on creating intellectual conversations and a social atmoshpere. Starting in the 1930s, the social part of the sororities and … Continue reading Gustavus Greeks

Presidential History

He was the founder of the soon-to-be-named Gustavus Adolphus College in Red Wing, Minn. Norelius Residence Hall is currently named after the founding president.       Johnson served as the college president for 29 years, the longest in Gustavus’ history. In that time, the College improved its facilities, added more academic departments, and increased student enrollment. The O.J. Johnson Student Union is named after … Continue reading Presidential History