Habitat for Humanity organizes fall trip to Aurora

While attending class is vital to one’s education, it is important to note that students can make a significant difference by venturing outside the classroom. That is exactly what Habitat for Humanity prepares to do for their upcoming service trip to Aurora, MN during fall break. Sixteen students were selected through an application process that ended on October 10th. They will be volunteering their time … Continue reading Habitat for Humanity organizes fall trip to Aurora

Campus Safety Report (10/14/16)

Monday, October 3 An online report was submitted about a student receiving unwanted sexual-related communications from another student. A student reported verbal harassment from unknown persons in a vehicle while on Campus Drive. Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at Norelius Hall. One student was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Campus Safety responded to a fire alarm at Southwest Hall that was caused … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (10/14/16)

Gusties take a stand: NoDAPL movement gains more support on campus

Standing Rock. A new civil rights movement where environmental and human rights have met. The Dakota Access Pipeline Project is a pipeline that will stretch 1,172 miles from North Dakota to Illinois. It will pump an estimated 470,000 to 570,000 barrels of crude oil per day between the Bakken and Three Forks areas. The project got final approval to go ahead in March of this … Continue reading Gusties take a stand: NoDAPL movement gains more support on campus

Anti-hazing efforts take on new forms: Individuals from various parts of the campus community advocates against hazing

Anti-hazing efforts have sprung from several outlets on campus this year. The Campus Activities office put forth regular efforts to educate the student body, including tabling outside the Evelyn Young Dinning Center handing out various items such as buttons, stickers, and information on Gustavus Adolphus’ hazing policy. However new avenues of awareness have emerged recently. Seniors Carolyn Del Vecchio and Laura Isdahl reached out to … Continue reading Anti-hazing efforts take on new forms: Individuals from various parts of the campus community advocates against hazing

Behind the Fourth Crown

Gustavus is home to a myriad of organizations that allow and encourage students to pursue personal and professional interests. A fairly recent addition to the community includes the online satirical news publication, the Fourth Crown. Co-founded by Gustie alums Sam Panzer, Nate Long, and Justin Feit in 2014, the Fourth Crown was officially welcomed to campus the following year. “We’re basically a local version of … Continue reading Behind the Fourth Crown

‘All Lives Matter’ distracts from real issue

Last Thursday, Gustavus students were provided the unique and constructive opportunity to attend the informative “I AM A BLACK MAN” panel in Wallenberg Auditorium. The thoughtful and productive discussion that occurred from this panel is extremely useful in having a discussion about race in our community. The discussion allowed several brave members of the Gustavus community to talk about their experiences living as minorities in … Continue reading ‘All Lives Matter’ distracts from real issue

My medication doesn’t hurt

I am an avid reader of online articles, of opinion pieces written by other college students and young adults. I am addicted to learning through reading. But lately I have been coming across articles that have not taught me anything useful and are likely instilling opinions in others that will not help, but hurt people. I have seen posts shared on my Facebook titled “America: … Continue reading My medication doesn’t hurt

Letter to the Editor (10/14/2016)

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword. That rhetoric and questions will win the day over violence and discord. In light of recent events here on campus and abroad, this old idea could not be more relevant. Every day, every hour perhaps, we are challenged to critically think about ideas and concepts that shake us to our very core. We find … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (10/14/2016)