Managing stress in a healthy way

It is no surprise that finals stress us out. However, there are healthy and unhealthy ways of dealing with the stress associated with finals and other exams or projects. Over three million adults suffer from depression and/or anxiety. A good chunk of this percentage affects students. This is something that is unavoidable. But if coped with properly, you can easily get through the stress of … Continue reading Managing stress in a healthy way

Generalizing is something everybody does

One of the biggest issues that plagues our communication these days is generalization. When an issue is discussed, people are far too quick to apply a statement to an entire demographic of people just because a small portion of people who happen to be part of that demographic did something bad. This form of thinking and speaking is not only dangerously narrow-minded, but is also … Continue reading Generalizing is something everybody does

The worry of the liberal art

Philosophy, English, Classics, History. What do all these majors have in common? Existential dread. And why not? We learn to question what we are looking at, to discern the truth from someone else’s opinion. In the world we find ourselves walking, the idea of doing anything but specializing one’s major into a job by graduation is a scary one. Law school! Graduate school and teach! … Continue reading The worry of the liberal art

Why is it so hard to talk about birth control?

For years humanity has been working its way toward a medical milestone: male birth control. This progress made headlines in 2016 after reports of men dropping out of a birth control injection study due to side effects. These side effects increased acne, depression, and mood swings. Many women were outraged at these reports, as many of them have been experiencing similar side effects for years … Continue reading Why is it so hard to talk about birth control?

Administrators will soon begin implementation plans for the Gustavus Strategic Action PlanAction plan highlight three main goals:

On Tuesday, Dec. 6, members of the Gustavus community met to discuss the college’s strategic plan. The plan, known formally as the Gustavus Acts Strategic Plan, began in 2016 and is set to continue until 2026. President Rebecca Bergman has committed to understanding the challenges that face higher education, in particular liberal arts colleges like Gustavus Adolphus College. The plan addresses the amounting concerns, and … Continue reading Administrators will soon begin implementation plans for the Gustavus Strategic Action PlanAction plan highlight three main goals:

Gustavus students gets ready to present annual Psycological Research Symposium

Psychological Science Research Symposium The Psychological Science Research Symposium offers students the ability to share the research they have collected over the fall semester. This on-campus event, taking place from  3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Dec. 9 in Beck Hall Torrey Atrium, is a great opportunity for Gustavus students to share their work with fellow members of the psychology department, along with the greater … Continue reading Gustavus students gets ready to present annual Psycological Research Symposium

Campus Safety Report (12/9/16)

Wednesday, November 30 Campus Safety responded to a welfare check in Uhler Hall. Campus Safety documented the theft of Gustavus property from Sorensen Hall for a missing fire extinguisher. Campus Safety and Residential Life responded to a suspected drug violation in North Hall. Two students were referred to the campus conduct system for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. Campus Safety and Res Life responded to … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (12/9/16)

NAMI visit campus

Last Monday, two speakers from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) came to Gustavus to present “In Our Own Voice”, a 90-minute seminar designed to reduce stigmatization, as well as address misconceptions about mental illness. The talk was co-sponsored by Psi Chi, Nu Rho Psi, and NAMI. The nation’s largest mental health organization, NAMI seeks to provide support and advocacy for those who face … Continue reading NAMI visit campus

Dakota Access Pipeline Panel aims to educate students

The Dakota Access Pipeline has frequented news and media outlets for the past couple months. It is a topic that many are aware of, but few are educated on. There has been debate even at Gustavus surrounding this topic. People have gone back and forth on whether or not they support sending protesters. Many have a hard time forming an educated opinion because of the … Continue reading Dakota Access Pipeline Panel aims to educate students