The slow and deserved death of Black Friday

Here in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving around this time of year. Most of us return home to visit family, catch up with old acquaintances, and eat far more food than we ever should. However, there are quite a few of us here (and around the world) that also partake in an additional tradition: Black Friday. It has led to some interesting and tragic … Continue reading The slow and deserved death of Black Friday

The irony of education for an informed citizen in the real world

As early graduation looms near and some of us are preparing ourselves to be thrust out into the world of adulthood, some more willingly than others, I can’t help but wonder why essential life skills like how to negotiate a job offer or rent an apartment weren’t a part of my public or private education. Attempts were made at my high school to educate us … Continue reading The irony of education for an informed citizen in the real world

Sigma Tau Delta organizes first “Booksgiving”: English Honor Society collects books to donate to Books for Africa

Many students discover the benefits of attending a liberal arts institution when participating in various student organizations. These clubs sometimes pertain to a particular major which gives students additional opportunity to engage in the subject area they are interested in. They have the enriching option to surround themselves with like-minded individuals with the same driven ambitions and aspirations as them. Gustavus Adolphus College has a … Continue reading Sigma Tau Delta organizes first “Booksgiving”: English Honor Society collects books to donate to Books for Africa

Gustavus gives back with the annual Holiday Sharing Tree

Walk through the O.J. Johnson Student Union and you’re bound to pass by the annual Holiday Sharing Tree, a cheery little Christmas tree set up just outside the Community-Based Service Learning office. In partnership with the St. Peter Head Start Program, Gustavus puts up this “Angel” tree every year as a chance for students and staff to give back to the community. Partipants can select … Continue reading Gustavus gives back with the annual Holiday Sharing Tree

D.E.E.P. hosts silent auction with a variety of prizes: Silent auction provides necessary funds for DEEP to embark on their trip to Little Havana in Florida

With all of the events going on around the world, the good and the bad, it never hurts to become more educated on different cultures and the diversity around you. D.E.E.P, or Diversity Education Exploration Project, aims to address this directly by giving students the chance to explore different cultures by offering trips to interact with various cultures on them. D.E.E.P. has three pillars that … Continue reading D.E.E.P. hosts silent auction with a variety of prizes: Silent auction provides necessary funds for DEEP to embark on their trip to Little Havana in Florida

Campus Safety Report (12/01/17)

Monday, November  13 Campus Safety responded to Health Service to take a report of an injury and transported an employee to the emergency room. Tuesday, November  14 Campus Safety responded to Anderson Hall for a medical assist. An injured student was transported to Health Service. Wednesday, November 15 Campus Safety transported an injured student to the emergency room. Thursday, November 16 Campus Safety responded to … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (12/01/17)

Christmas in Christ Chapel: A Life Abundant

   Over 350 students and staff, along with their families, alumni, and people of the community will gather on campus for the 45th annual Christmas in Christ Chapel this weekend.    The show is one of the biggest events at Gustavus, each year with its own theme.    This year’s theme is Life Abundant to celebrate the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation when Martin … Continue reading Christmas in Christ Chapel: A Life Abundant

Christmas in Christ Chapel

Friday 7:30-9:30 Performance Saturday 1:00-2:30 C in CC Buffet in Campus Center Banquet Room 3:30-5:30 Performance 5:00-6:30 Buffet in Campus Center Banquet Room 7:30-9:30 Performance Sunday 1:00-2:30 C in CC Buffet in Campus Center Banquet Room 3:30-5:30 Performance 5:00-6:30 Buffet in Campus Center Banquet Room 7:30-9:30 Performance   Olivia Niles – Handbells How many years have you done C in CC? This is my third year … Continue reading Christmas in Christ Chapel

The tradition of Lucia brings light and service

The annual Festival of St. Lucia will begin the Christmas season on campus in Swedish custom on Thursday, Dec 7. The Swedish tradition has been celebrated on campus since 1941. The Festival celebrates a long, Swedish tradition. It surrounds the story of a young woman from the third century named Lucia who was killed for her faith. The Swedish legend says that after her death, … Continue reading The tradition of Lucia brings light and service