Student Senate co-president elections heat up

Junior Michael Morimoto and Sophomore Joe Thayer Platform: Wish to see more transparency; report Student Senate in the Weekly monthly; utilize GAC TV; hold Co-President meet & greets (invite a dean once a month to answer questions about Residential Life, student life, etc); bring safe ride calling system backl increase handicap accessibility; keep the Courtyard Cafe open all day and increase lighting there for better … Continue reading Student Senate co-president elections heat up

Day at the Capitol encourages education advocacy

On Wednesday, Mar. 13, students, faculty members, and alumni are invited to gather at the State Capitol to advocate for the Minnesota State Grant Program. The Minnesota State Grant Program provides an opportunity for students to attend college. “I love Gustavus Day at the Capitol because it provides students the opportunity to lobby for their education,” Senior Megan Nelson said. Student Senate works with various … Continue reading Day at the Capitol encourages education advocacy

Students to vote for Dive renovations

On Mar. 4, the student body will not only be electing new co-presidents for the following school year, but also deciding whether to increase the student activity fee by 50 dollars next year to fund the renovation of the Dive.  For years, there has been talk of renovating the Dive,  however, it wasn’t until February 2012 that those talks became serious in Student Senate. “The … Continue reading Students to vote for Dive renovations

Gustie Voices serves as forum for discussion

Gustie Voices is an open forum any Gustie may use to share letters with the Board of Trustees, President Jack Ohle, student groups, administrators, faculty, and the rest of the Gustavus community. In December 2012, a group of Gustavus students and alumni gave letters and gifts to President Ohle expressing their hopes for Gustavus’ future. The expressions went unrecognized, and therefore the letters were taken … Continue reading Gustie Voices serves as forum for discussion

Higher Learning Commission Steering Committee preparing for accreditation this spring

Every ten years, the state of Gustavus Adolphus College is reevaluated through an accreditation process by the Higher Learning Commission in order to be recognized as a quality institution of higher education. This process provides validation of the College. Therefore, the Higher Learning Commission Steering Committee is given the task to prepare for the comprehensive evaluation of Gustavus by the Higher Learning Commission in April … Continue reading Higher Learning Commission Steering Committee preparing for accreditation this spring

Gustie of the Week: Karla Leitzman

Karla Leitzman is busy. She is a theatre major with minors in theatre for social justice, English, and Scandinavian studies. On top of her academics and participation in appoximately 15 theatre shows since her first year, she is a member of I Am We Are, GAC Democrats, Gustavus Ambassadors; and is the Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Sigma Tau; Vice President and Recruitment Chair of Viking … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Karla Leitzman

Communication Studies Club hosts…

…annual spring blood drive in Alumni Hall Spring is just around the corner, which means that the Communication Studies Club will be putting on its biannual blood drive. In recent years, the number of donors participating in the event has grown exponentially. In a few weeks, students and staff alike will volunteer their time and effort to the extensive planning which these events require. In … Continue reading Communication Studies Club hosts…

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part…

Oh My God Is It Over Yet? I’m a fan of vampires. Interview with a Vampire (Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise) is a good vampire drama; I even like Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale). When vampires became maximally sexualized—possibly thanks to Stephanie Meyer and a bizarre erotic dream she had one night—the world took a turn for the worse. And when they hired … Continue reading Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part…

Gusties learn how to cook up healthy food

To save money (and effort) many people choose to buy processed, canned, or frozen foods. Spending time in the fresh produce section, however, with the right approach to finding the best fruit and vegetable deals can be very beneficial to overall health. And knowing what to look for can save extra cash, as well. Good Food for Busy Gusties is a part of Gustavus’ nine … Continue reading Gusties learn how to cook up healthy food