Women’s Volleyball splits at Annual Augsburg Invitational

After four matches in two days, Gustavus finished fifth of eight teams at the 30th Annual Augsburg Volleyball Invitational last weekend, with Senior Captain Malea Noennig earning a spot on the All-Tournament team. Gustavus started strong, sweeping University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 3-0 in their first match last Friday, but fell to St. Benedict’s College in five close sets later that day. A couple high points … Continue reading Women’s Volleyball splits at Annual Augsburg Invitational

Director of Health Services Heather Dale’s 5 tips for fighting illness and staying healthy

1 Eat right Make sure that you get five fruits or vegetables each day. It’s all about balance and moderation. Watch your portion sizes, choose whole grain, and drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. People always say that they don’t have time to eat breakfast, but every piece of research says you need to eat breakfast, because it is the most important meal of … Continue reading Director of Health Services Heather Dale’s 5 tips for fighting illness and staying healthy

Campus Safety Report (Sept 16th, 2011)

Monday, September 5 • A student reported a car key stolen from her room in Norelius Hall.  The key was subsequently found. • A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at Lund Center.   Tuesday, September 6  • A student reported the theft of his unsecured bicycle from Pittman hall.   Wednesday, September 7 • A faculty member reported lost keys to Campus … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (Sept 16th, 2011)

First-years met with a variety of greetings

Last Friday College Avenue was lined with first-years and their parents making the climb up the hill. They were welcomed by the traditional chants and cheers of the Gustie Greeters, but also found a less conventional welcome in the form of party-goers set up in yards along College Avenue. The party-goers also cheered and chanted for the arriving first-years, but had some antics of their … Continue reading First-years met with a variety of greetings

Dive policies change for the 2011-2012 school year

Those who frequent the Dive will notice several changes to how things are run this year. Along with the standard rule of no outside food or drink, new policies regarding the Dive’s usage include a stricter enforcement of capacity, which is set at 300 people, and the availability of a coat and bag check in Linner Lounge. The Dive is a student lounge and dance … Continue reading Dive policies change for the 2011-2012 school year

‘Goodbye’ Yellow Cards

Residential Life has officially retired the yellow card. According to Area Coordinator Shawn Grygo, the policy violation process will essentially stay the same as in past years; the only difference will be the absence of the yellow card itself. “When policy violations occur, the collegiate fellow will still write down violations,” Grygo said. “But it will put the responsibility in the hands of the area … Continue reading ‘Goodbye’ Yellow Cards

Jean Paul Noel: Around the world and back again…

Lire cette première partie. Y la siguiente parte, I si ets prou intel´ligent pot moure a la següent and then you’ll reach Jean Paul’s final language in his quadrilingual repertoire. Born in New York, Jean Paul moved to Mexico City, then to Barcelona where he graduated from a French high school and then took a trip back across the pond to find himself comfortably in … Continue reading Jean Paul Noel: Around the world and back again…

Poet Laureate, Joyce Sutphen, gears up for a busy year

The speaking engagements are piling up for Joyce Sutphen, professor of English who was named Minnesota’s Poet Laureate on August 23 by Governor Mark Dayton. “It’s amazing how many people have called me and sent e-mail messages,” Sutphen said. Since her appointment, she has received several requests from schools, libraries, teachers and fellow poets across the state to set up talks and other events. “At … Continue reading Poet Laureate, Joyce Sutphen, gears up for a busy year